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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Response Plus Gloves

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I have recently ordered some custom TPS Response Plus gloves (black nylon, 14" glove with 15" fingers) and I wonder if anyone has already used this new model.

The difference over the Response glove seems the new cuff and the digitech grip palm. Here is a small picture:


So has anyone tried them? If so, please let me know your impressions.

Some better pics of the Response Plus gloves would be greatly appreciated, too.


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I tried them on at the expo, along with every other glove I could find, and the Responses fit me better than anything else at the show. I love the tapered fingers.

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Guest phillyfan

Those look sweet, when are they due out? I just found my new glove mistress.....don't tell the Sandes....shhh.

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makes me wish i waited a little longer before i bought my response gloves. the new cuff design looks a whole lot better. the old one left a lot open around the wrist. great for movement, bad for protection. other than that i love my gloves. how much are the custom ones going to run you hockeyshark?

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Those look sweet, when are they due out? I just found my new glove mistress.....don't tell the Sandes....shhh.

Gloveadulterer! :P But those do look pretty sweet...

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I prefer the look of the HG1's. Can someone explain what the digitech palm is?

Short version, it's kinda tacky and helps grip better.

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makes me wish i waited a little longer before i bought my response gloves. the new cuff design looks a whole lot better. the old one left a lot open around the wrist. great for movement, bad for protection. other than that i love my gloves. how much are the custom ones going to run you hockeyshark?

I love my response gloves. Definetly great gloves. I really dont understand why people dont like the cuff. The thing doesnt restrict your movement at all.

Thanks again burnt :D

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I prefer the look of the HG1's. Can someone explain what the digitech palm is?

Short version, it's kinda tacky and helps grip better.

So is it pretty much just Digital Pittards with a wierd name?

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