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Another Pro Wrestler dies young

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Steroids screw you up I guess.

It's usually recreational drugs and just a general shit lifestyle that does in pro wrestlers...I think steroids have much less to do with it than a lot of people would like to think.

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yeah who knew spending 300 days a year in a hotel room with disposable income, free time, physically and mentally grueling occupation combined with the aforementioned access to recreational drugs, loose women and steroids would lead to early death?

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So Test passed. Huh.

this is probably a bit late but thats a real retarded comment/thing to say about someone that passed away. really nice to use someones death to make a wisecrack.

moving on

its insane how these guys die at such a young age. what i dont understand about Test is him failing a drug test...you have got to be kidding me if he was the only one on drugs in the WWE or was he just a whipping boy?

as well, RIP umaga...that was real sad to hear when that happened too.

the wrestling business can be a vicious trap sometimes. I immediately think of jake the snake roberts and chris benoit for some reason.

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So Test passed. Huh.

this is probably a bit late but thats a real retarded comment/thing to say about someone that passed away. really nice to use someones death to make a wisecrack.

moving on

its insane how these guys die at such a young age. what i dont understand about Test is him failing a drug test...you have got to be kidding me if he was the only one on drugs in the WWE or was he just a whipping boy?

as well, RIP umaga...that was real sad to hear when that happened too.

the wrestling business can be a vicious trap sometimes. I immediately think of jake the snake roberts and chris benoit for some reason.

how does benoit have anything to do with this? .. dude killed his family and then killed himself

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I think he's more referring to that style of life, the living on the road, the acess to drugs, the mental and physical strain, that causes such a toll. Obvoiusly something in Benoit snapped, and we'll never know what caused it but I think hes just saying that that style of life for a pro wrestler has a lot of stressors that lead to less than desireable outcomes for many.

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yeah who knew spending 300 days a year in a hotel room with disposable income, free time, physically and mentally grueling occupation combined with the aforementioned access to recreational drugs, loose women and steroids would lead to early death?

Yeah no crap...they will be missed. I liked Test

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I think he's more referring to that style of life, the living on the road, the acess to drugs, the mental and physical strain, that causes such a toll. Obvoiusly something in Benoit snapped, and we'll never know what caused it but I think hes just saying that that style of life for a pro wrestler has a lot of stressors that lead to less than desireable outcomes for many.

my point exactly. i definitely dont condone what he did to his family please dont get me wrong. i am definitely referring to the lifestyle.

sorry if that came out wrong initially.

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So Test passed. Huh.

this is probably a bit late but thats a real retarded comment/thing to say about someone that passed away. really nice to use someones death to make a wisecrack.

moving on

its insane how these guys die at such a young age. what i dont understand about Test is him failing a drug test...you have got to be kidding me if he was the only one on drugs in the WWE or was he just a whipping boy?

as well, RIP umaga...that was real sad to hear when that happened too.

the wrestling business can be a vicious trap sometimes. I immediately think of jake the snake roberts and chris benoit for some reason.

Is this you?

Unclench already.

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So Test passed. Huh.

this is probably a bit late but thats a real retarded comment/thing to say about someone that passed away. really nice to use someones death to make a wisecrack.

moving on

its insane how these guys die at such a young age. what i dont understand about Test is him failing a drug test...you have got to be kidding me if he was the only one on drugs in the WWE or was he just a whipping boy?

as well, RIP umaga...that was real sad to hear when that happened too.

the wrestling business can be a vicious trap sometimes. I immediately think of jake the snake roberts and chris benoit for some reason.

Is this you?

Unclench already.

lol definitely not me...at least now we all know how you got upto that many posts.

john stosol looks alot like geraldo rivera...as fake as it is...it definitely still hurts.

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This will not change until pro wretlers are no longer "independent contractors" and are unionized. As it stands most of these guys pump themselves full of substances to make the big show, they have a flash in the pan and then have no money, no job, no education. Their needs to be a pension plan put in place as these guys sacrifice their bodies for the sake of entertaining the fans and are left with bad health as the result. 2 years from now the little leprechaun guy from WWE will be doing house shows at your local high school selling you a polaroid for $5. Think he made enough money to retire after his career is over?

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