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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Muck and Grind

Tightening loose skate blade

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Hey all,

I'm getting back into hockey after a 5 year absence. I noticed that I have a loose blade and I'm trying to figure out if I can tighten it myself or if I have to take to the LHS to get it done.

My skate has a Custom + holder and from what I recall, you should be able to tighten the 2 screws from the inside sole. The problem is that I don't see any plug/hole where the screws should be. Have I missed something?

I have a hard time believing that Nike would make a skate that requires the rivets to be taken out, but you never know. If that is the case, how much would it cost?


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Hey all,

I'm getting back into hockey after a 5 year absence. I noticed that I have a loose blade and I'm trying to figure out if I can tighten it myself or if I have to take to the LHS to get it done.

My skate has a Custom + holder and from what I recall, you should be able to tighten the 2 screws from the inside sole. The problem is that I don't see any plug/hole where the screws should be. Have I missed something?

I have a hard time believing that Nike would make a skate that requires the rivets to be taken out, but you never know. If that is the case, how much would it cost?


Actually I know a few Nike and Bauer skates came undrilled.

It's an easy job if you have the right diameter drill bit.

You have to eyeball where the screw is in relation to the rivets. (You'll see it on the bottom of the holder) The rear is dead center between the copper and the last steel rivet. The front is between the second and third steel rivet from the front, however, more towards the inside edge.

Once holes are drilled, 8mm socket will tighten them up.

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after you have the holes drilled, do yourself a favor and replace the bolts/nuts rather than tightening the old ones. The are cheap. Yours are likely rusted so start fresh.

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Hey all,

I'm getting back into hockey after a 5 year absence. I noticed that I have a loose blade and I'm trying to figure out if I can tighten it myself or if I have to take to the LHS to get it done.

My skate has a Custom + holder and from what I recall, you should be able to tighten the 2 screws from the inside sole. The problem is that I don't see any plug/hole where the screws should be. Have I missed something?

I have a hard time believing that Nike would make a skate that requires the rivets to be taken out, but you never know. If that is the case, how much would it cost?


Actually I know a few Nike and Bauer skates came undrilled.

It's an easy job if you have the right diameter drill bit.

You have to eyeball where the screw is in relation to the rivets. (You'll see it on the bottom of the holder) The rear is dead center between the copper and the last steel rivet. The front is between the second and third steel rivet from the front, however, more towards the inside edge.

Once holes are drilled, 8mm socket will tighten them up.

Rather then start a new topic when it relates to this, I have a question. A friend of mine needs to tighten the blade on his grafs however he had LS2's put on his grafs. He is going to need to drill a hole but I was wondering is it as easy to eyeball like with the custom +'s?

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Same boat as me. For LS2 I went to drill between the copper (end rivets) and next set (the middle pair). 8mm does the trick for C+ and LS2. Real easy considering there is no more front bolt. Go slow with the drill, no need to force it through. Good luck.

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