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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Another issue with my Vapor XXV's

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ok, i just posted about my ordeal with these, but i noticed a new potential problem. the last few times i skated on these, i noticed that my right foot had a tendency to wiggle, almost uncontrollable at times for short lengths, particularly on hard turns to the left. i just attributed to the fact that i hadn't played any type of ice hockey for nearly 10 years and my ankles were weak.

well, as i was inspected the holders this morning thinking of putting heel lifts in to give me more forward pitch, i noticed the alignment seemed a bit off between the left and right skate. i've taken some pictures to get your opinions as to whether this could be problemaitc or not to worry about it. thanks. if anyone would like to see dedicated photo's of just the heels and just the forefoots, let me know and i'll post'em.


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i've only had a chance to skate in them 5 or 6 times, but they're already about 2 months old. anyone know what the warranty on these are?

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i think boots are 90 days. holder and runners are a year. not sure which your problem falls under though, but wither way you should still be covered.

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I'm having the same problem with my skates. Everytime I take it to the LHS, they tell me its nothing. On my right skate, the front of the holder is mounted noticably farther outward than the left skate. Would this be causing the problem? (I'll get pictures up tonight)

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don't mean to highjack the topic, but since we're on the subject..... can a pair of skates be sold as seconds because of a really bad misalignment? is this a reason for skates to be put in the seconds category? and from all the brands, which are more likely to have misaligned holders, and which are not? IMHO.... they don't look that bad, but it's better if he can change them (you can call this a noob pov :P)

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don't mean to highjack the topic, but since we're on the subject..... can a pair of skates be sold as seconds because of a really bad misalignment? is this a reason for skates to be put in the seconds category? and from all the brands, which are more likely to have misaligned holders, and which are not? IMHO.... they don't look that bad, but it's better if he can change them (you can call this a noob pov :P)

Most "seconds" are sold so because of a cosmetic issue --> "Cosmetic Blems". Misaligned holders are not cosmetic and not an issue, but a total fail.

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Hey, you paid good money for those, and if they dont mount the holders properly then they should either refund or send you a replacement pair.

I've never played ice, but they look off for sure.

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I'm gonna say thats a full on defective

so you think i should go straight to nbh or should i give the lhs i bought them from a call first?

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