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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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And am I going to die?

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Unfortunately injuries are a part of sports. Hopefully you will be able to rehab enough to play and enjoy hockey again.

I don't have the specifics yet, just the results of the MRI from the clinician. Torn medial meniscus. Doc is recommending arthroscopic surgery. I'll probably be starting a thread or digging a bit to find others experiences with this. And maybe a recommendation for a Dr. in the DC area (I'm moving soon, Montgomery County).

I've talked to a couple of PTs I know... and they have said unless it's completely shredded, I should recover quickly. I'm looking at all of this as a best, worst-case scenario.

Though I mostly lurk, I love these forums. Good stuff here!

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Welcome, from another Moco player. Not sure about surgeons, but I know hockey around here through and through. If you need any help, just ask. Hope all goes well.

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