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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Large Cages NCAA hockey

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yeah, cages are rediculously huge. In my midgets, Chin cup cannot be more than .5 inches from chin, refs carry rulers, so gay yet so nessecery

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Personally I think that wearing the cage loose is stupid. Personal prefrence or not, it's not smart! There is a guy on my team who is extremly rough and he took a check to the head and sure enough his cage was hanging a good 2 inches from his chin and sure enough when he took the hit he suffered a broken jaw. I've seen his helmet pop off and stcks get stuck up there... you're just putting yourself in danger.

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Argue this all you want, but people who wear cages are more chippy than anyone else on the ice.

You kind of have to wear a cage in all USA hockey sanctioned leagues except the NA and the USHL

not in any adult leagues are you required to wear a cage, and typically the guys with the full cages are more reckless than those with nothing or visors. I guess you just don't see the risk of not being able to work because you wanted to look "good" (real subjective term on that one too) and got rocked. And just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't preclude it from ever happening

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Argue this all you want, but people who wear cages are more chippy than anyone else on the ice.

You kind of have to wear a cage in all USA hockey sanctioned leagues except the NA and the USHL

not in any adult leagues are you required to wear a cage, and typically the guys with the full cages are more reckless than those with nothing or visors. I guess you just don't see the risk of not being able to work because you wanted to look "good" (real subjective term on that one too) and got rocked. And just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't preclude it from ever happening

Actually I believe there are a few leagues that require full facial protection. I expect more leagues to go that way in the future.

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I'm saying it's not a USAH requirement, at least not per the most recent rulebook. It wouldn't surprise me either though

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If you get blasted in the head by a shoulder, you're probally gonna get a concussion whether or not your chin is in the cup. Saying that the cage is going to add to that is just retarded. A mouth guard is the only thing that is going to do anything useful in that situation. I think that I am crazy for not wearing one but I hate mouth guards.

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