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Large Cages NCAA hockey

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Sorry to get a bit off topic, but seriously where does this whole look good thing come from?? I mean its always nice to have a good matching uniform and gloves, but when I played as a kid I don't really think anyone gave two shits about looking good. Is it because all the kids brought up today are completely brainwashed by pop culture and looks? I know this has been talked about to death, but PHEW almost reminds me of a group of homosexual males worried about how they look all the time. Since when did hockey become a primadonna sport? Maybe its me and I am in neverland or something.

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It has gone through its macho phase, and now we're in to this phase. In ten years (post lock-out times two or what not) it'll be the "I love you man" phase, a game filled with gracious compliments and handshakes.

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its all personal preference, just because something is that way for you does not mean its going to be the same for somebody else. there are plenty of college players who don't hang their cages low as well as players who do. The players may feel constricted putting the cage back on after 1+ years of wearing a visor and not even thinking about a cage.

plus they are the ones playing college hockey, i think they have an idea what they are doing.

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plus they are the ones playing college hockey, i think they have an idea what they are doing.

there are pros out there who are lucky they know how to tie their laces. you'd be surprised.

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To answer the original question, I have a medium 4500 and a large Jofa cage and I have the straps adjusted so that it swings a bit. I where my cage like that because it looks way better and its more comfortable. The only people who dont think it looks good are the true vision heros and the oakley/Itech combo wearers. There's only three ways to look good out there other than a visor. CCM/JOFA cages, Itech (only meant for certain people), and the bubble. 70% of hockey is how you look ;)
most of these kids came out of junior programs where they wore visors so they have gone from visor to cage. It's a tough transition.

A loose cage is still more protective than a visor.

Your joking with this comment right??

Plus, those chin cups are horrible for acne on the chin. A few cuts/scars on the chin is way better than a big red acne infected chin. And that's coming from a guy in his thirty's that should know better.

I have no problem with the way they where their cages but I still subscribe that we "over protect" and "over dress" our little ones in this game.

When it comes to the head there is no way you can "OVER" protect.

Natasha Richardson???? Need I say more?

I will bet you right now it will be one finger under chin straps of NHL players next year along with other things to make the concussion issue settle down.

As for the NCAA guys they are just stupid for wearing them like that never mind the chin problems its the jaw and concussion issues they will have to deal with later!

A loose cage is 100 time more protective than a visor. Unless you rock Malkins window, a visor isn't doing much.

Wow.....lucky you guys arent on any of the teams I am trainer for because no dangling allowed.......you either where it properly or dont play!

If you guys are playing competitive hockey and the trainers (NCAA excluded)are allowing this there just dumb and looking for a lawsuit!

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plus they are the ones playing college hockey, i think they have an idea what they are doing.

there are pros out there who are lucky they know how to tie their laces. you'd be surprised.

Ditto, there are some bonehead college hockey players.

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Sorry to get a bit off topic, but seriously where does this whole look good thing come from?? I mean its always nice to have a good matching uniform and gloves, but when I played as a kid I don't really think anyone gave two shits about looking good. Is it because all the kids brought up today are completely brainwashed by pop culture and looks? I know this has been talked about to death, but PHEW almost reminds me of a group of homosexual males worried about how they look all the time. Since when did hockey become a primadonna sport? Maybe its me and I am in neverland or something.

I'm guessing that when you played, cooper was making buckets still? If we're thinking of the same time period, looking good wasn't really an option. Also what is PHEW?

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To answer the original question, I have a medium 4500 and a large Jofa cage and I have the straps adjusted so that it swings a bit. I where my cage like that because it looks way better and its more comfortable. The only people who dont think it looks good are the true vision heros and the oakley/Itech combo wearers. There's only three ways to look good out there other than a visor. CCM/JOFA cages, Itech (only meant for certain people), and the bubble. 70% of hockey is how you look ;)
most of these kids came out of junior programs where they wore visors so they have gone from visor to cage. It's a tough transition.

A loose cage is still more protective than a visor.

Your joking with this comment right??

Plus, those chin cups are horrible for acne on the chin. A few cuts/scars on the chin is way better than a big red acne infected chin. And that's coming from a guy in his thirty's that should know better.

I have no problem with the way they where their cages but I still subscribe that we "over protect" and "over dress" our little ones in this game.

When it comes to the head there is no way you can "OVER" protect.

Natasha Richardson???? Need I say more?

I will bet you right now it will be one finger under chin straps of NHL players next year along with other things to make the concussion issue settle down.

As for the NCAA guys they are just stupid for wearing them like that never mind the chin problems its the jaw and concussion issues they will have to deal with later!

A loose cage is 100 time more protective than a visor. Unless you rock Malkins window, a visor isn't doing much.

Wow.....lucky you guys arent on any of the teams I am trainer for because no dangling allowed.......you either where it properly or dont play!

If you guys are playing competitive hockey and the trainers (NCAA excluded)are allowing this there just dumb and looking for a lawsuit!

Legendary Hockey East head coach sits out a 1st round draft pick, full ride player from a game because the equipment guy said his cage was too loose... yep sounds like it'll work.

NCAA hockey is well known for being a free for all of high hits and runs... until they fix this problem (which ironically could be done if all players were in visors), it won't matter if you go out there with an iron plate strapped to your face.

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If you guys are playing competitive hockey and the trainers (NCAA excluded)are allowing this there just dumb and looking for a lawsuit!

God I miss living in a country where you can sue somebody else because of something stupid you did.

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i wanna know how thats going to be a lawsuit? if its personal preference they cant get sued for that

No its the players that would sue later because they werent informed of the risks when infact they are and just wish not to follow the rules!

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why would the players sue its a contact sport...they should know the risk involved and what the consequences would be if the got hit and the cage did damage

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I dont understand why they dont just roll the j-clips outward, it worked on mine have them facing straight out so i can hang my cage but its still being held back.

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key word there is SHOULD know. Most probably don't care about said consequences and won't until there's a serious incident stemming from wearing the equipment incorrectly.

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This is where being a lawyer helps hahaha. I don't think many players would sue, but if there was a serious injury and a player was at least looking to recoup medical costs then they probably would sue. The argument being that the manufacturer did not warn him the extent of potential injury from using a cage that was not the proper size or worn a specific way. Player could probably even go to some extent to sue the team because the equip manager did not warn the player of the potential for injury and did not rectify the equipment problem. Its sad to think that you could sue for these things and most likely the manufacturer would win if it went to trial (they could argue that there is sufficient warning and that the player's use of the equipment was improper or even possibly modified to a point where they are relieved of their duty to warn), but most likley it would just settle and the player would get some cash. That is how torts work in this country and it needs reforming, particularly in certain industryies, but that is a topic for another day.

And no I am not an ambulance chaser or a plaintiff's attorney haha. I'm a corporate lawyer...a whole other breed of scum as some people might say hahaha. :D

Sorry to get a bit off topic, but seriously where does this whole look good thing come from?? I mean its always nice to have a good matching uniform and gloves, but when I played as a kid I don't really think anyone gave two shits about looking good. Is it because all the kids brought up today are completely brainwashed by pop culture and looks? I know this has been talked about to death, but PHEW almost reminds me of a group of homosexual males worried about how they look all the time. Since when did hockey become a primadonna sport? Maybe its me and I am in neverland or something.

I'm guessing that when you played, cooper was making buckets still? If we're thinking of the same time period, looking good wasn't really an option. Also what is PHEW?

Nah, it wasn't that long ago. I played high school hockey about 12 years ago. But I just don't remember it being that big of a deal.

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I dont understand why they dont just roll the j-clips outward, it worked on mine have them facing straight out so i can hang my cage but its still being held back.

Not really sure if i understand if you have a picture care to post?

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This is where being a lawyer helps hahaha. I don't think many players would sue, but if there was a serious injury and a player was at least looking to recoup medical costs then they probably would sue. The argument being that the manufacturer did not warn him the extent of potential injury from using a cage that was not the proper size or worn a specific way. Player could probably even go to some extent to sue the team because the equip manager did not warn the player of the potential for injury and did not rectify the equipment problem. Its sad to think that you could sue for these things and most likely the manufacturer would win if it went to trial (they could argue that there is sufficient warning and that the player's use of the equipment was improper or even possibly modified to a point where they are relieved of their duty to warn), but most likley it would just settle and the player would get some cash. That is how torts work in this country and it needs reforming, particularly in certain industryies, but that is a topic for another day.

And no I am not an ambulance chaser or a plaintiff's attorney haha. I'm a corporate lawyer...a whole other breed of scum as some people might say hahaha. :D

Sorry to get a bit off topic, but seriously where does this whole look good thing come from?? I mean its always nice to have a good matching uniform and gloves, but when I played as a kid I don't really think anyone gave two shits about looking good. Is it because all the kids brought up today are completely brainwashed by pop culture and looks? I know this has been talked about to death, but PHEW almost reminds me of a group of homosexual males worried about how they look all the time. Since when did hockey become a primadonna sport? Maybe its me and I am in neverland or something.

I'm guessing that when you played, cooper was making buckets still? If we're thinking of the same time period, looking good wasn't really an option. Also what is PHEW?

Nah, it wasn't that long ago. I played high school hockey about 12 years ago. But I just don't remember it being that big of a deal.

Thank you for some smart input.......if guys want to wear them so they could get injured go right ahead....but but dont jump up and start a fight if you get cut on the chin.

As for the player winning all they ned is one picture or video showing it being worn improperly and they would loose. Correct me if I am wrong.

And with all the info on concussions and long term affects dont be surprised if it doesnt happen some time soon.

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Like cdoug55 said it is about the way the torts system works in the US. Knowing that hockey is a physical game is not an absolute defense. Failure to warn cases can be horribly difficult to defend, and it gets even more cumbersome when a fatality or catastrophic injury is involved.

On the original topic some of the cages I saw this week were just insane. While there is always risk of head injury I was worried about something else all together. Some of those over large cages combined with the super loose chin straps had me wondering if one of these guys is going to take shoulder to the chin and end up with a crushed larynx when the helmet slides forward and the cage swings back. Especially with the reputation for high hits in the college game

Of course my view is tempered by having defended more than my share of personal injury and products liability suits. While I am not aware of any lawsuits over this specific issue I do know of a D-1 football program that was sued for wrongfull death by the family of a player who died from a head injury suffered during practice that could be considered analogous. The player regularly did not inflate the air bladders on his helmet during practice and the trainers/coaches were aware of this and let him practice anyhow. Again it was a personal choice not to use the equipment the way it was designed that led to the injury, but it was not an immediate out, and there was a settlement involved in the end.

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This is where being a lawyer helps hahaha. I don't think many players would sue, but if there was a serious injury and a player was at least looking to recoup medical costs then they probably would sue. The argument being that the manufacturer did not warn him the extent of potential injury from using a cage that was not the proper size or worn a specific way. Player could probably even go to some extent to sue the team because the equip manager did not warn the player of the potential for injury and did not rectify the equipment problem. Its sad to think that you could sue for these things and most likely the manufacturer would win if it went to trial (they could argue that there is sufficient warning and that the player's use of the equipment was improper or even possibly modified to a point where they are relieved of their duty to warn), but most likley it would just settle and the player would get some cash. That is how torts work in this country and it needs reforming, particularly in certain industryies, but that is a topic for another day.

And no I am not an ambulance chaser or a plaintiff's attorney haha. I'm a corporate lawyer...a whole other breed of scum as some people might say hahaha. :D

Sorry to get a bit off topic, but seriously where does this whole look good thing come from?? I mean its always nice to have a good matching uniform and gloves, but when I played as a kid I don't really think anyone gave two shits about looking good. Is it because all the kids brought up today are completely brainwashed by pop culture and looks? I know this has been talked about to death, but PHEW almost reminds me of a group of homosexual males worried about how they look all the time. Since when did hockey become a primadonna sport? Maybe its me and I am in neverland or something.

I'm guessing that when you played, cooper was making buckets still? If we're thinking of the same time period, looking good wasn't really an option. Also what is PHEW?

Nah, it wasn't that long ago. I played high school hockey about 12 years ago. But I just don't remember it being that big of a deal.

There isn't much style in high school hockey. My high school team was a joke. We had kids trying not to fall down, they weren't really worried about how they looked doing it

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Like cdoug55 said it is about the way the torts system works in the US. Knowing that hockey is a physical game is not an absolute defense. Failure to warn cases can be horribly difficult to defend, and it gets even more cumbersome when a fatality or catastrophic injury is involved.

On the original topic some of the cages I saw this week were just insane. While there is always risk of head injury I was worried about something else all together. Some of those over large cages combined with the super loose chin straps had me wondering if one of these guys is going to take shoulder to the chin and end up with a crushed larynx when the helmet slides forward and the cage swings back. Especially with the reputation for high hits in the college game

Of course my view is tempered by having defended more than my share of personal injury and products liability suits. While I am not aware of any lawsuits over this specific issue I do know of a D-1 football program that was sued for wrongfull death by the family of a player who died from a head injury suffered during practice that could be considered analogous. The player regularly did not inflate the air bladders on his helmet during practice and the trainers/coaches were aware of this and let him practice anyhow. Again it was a personal choice not to use the equipment the way it was designed that led to the injury, but it was not an immediate out, and there was a settlement involved in the end.

Thank you for your input....I am all about making thinks look good when you play I have some great gear.....But and injury isnt something I am looking for! For me or a player I am working with!

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Like cdoug55 said it is about the way the torts system works in the US. Knowing that hockey is a physical game is not an absolute defense. Failure to warn cases can be horribly difficult to defend, and it gets even more cumbersome when a fatality or catastrophic injury is involved.

On the original topic some of the cages I saw this week were just insane. While there is always risk of head injury I was worried about something else all together. Some of those over large cages combined with the super loose chin straps had me wondering if one of these guys is going to take shoulder to the chin and end up with a crushed larynx when the helmet slides forward and the cage swings back. Especially with the reputation for high hits in the college game

Of course my view is tempered by having defended more than my share of personal injury and products liability suits. While I am not aware of any lawsuits over this specific issue I do know of a D-1 football program that was sued for wrongfull death by the family of a player who died from a head injury suffered during practice that could be considered analogous. The player regularly did not inflate the air bladders on his helmet during practice and the trainers/coaches were aware of this and let him practice anyhow. Again it was a personal choice not to use the equipment the way it was designed that led to the injury, but it was not an immediate out, and there was a settlement involved in the end.

Thank you for your input....I am all about making thinks look good when you play I have some great gear.....But and injury isnt something I am looking for! For me or a player I am working with!

I dont know where this Idea of this causing a ton of injuries is coming from. I've never been injured nor has any one I've played with has gotten injured from wearing their cage like that. I can see where it might seem like that could happen but it just doesn't. If there's someone out there who has got injured from wearing their cage this way please post and tell your story.

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Without a doubt young children should be protected adequately and parents/coaches/trainers should take steps to make sure they wear a cage tightly. However, when there are guys ranging in age from seventeen to twenty-four - even twenty-five - out there playing college hockey I really don't take issue with how they wear their cages. College hockey is "Men's" hockey and there is little difference in play between top tier D-1 conferences and AHL, much less ECHL. Many of the guys playing in these two leagues although playing an equivalent game where nothing. It seems ridiculous to me to criticize cage-wearing NCAA players when they are playing a sport where similarly aged and situated guys are not required to wear any facial protection and where all out fighting is permitted(even encouraged).

Kids might try to emulate this style, but I don't see how curbing a man's decision to protect himself (legally under the rules) is outweighed by any minute reduction in the "role model" paradigm.

And although it's personal preference as to where you stand on the whole issue of protecting people from their own decisions, I say let them do what they want so long as it is under the rules of the NCAA or whatever organization they're playing under.

I think a bigger issue is the loose chin strap, but staying on topic. . .

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