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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Do-It-Yourself Dent Removal

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I'm fixing up my car (1998 Civic LX) currently, and right now I'm starting by knocking out all the dings and dents on the body. From searching online I've read about the mallet method and the plunger method. The mallet one worked alright, but only for the dents I had access to from inside the car. The plunger method had no success whatsoever, so I'm wondering if there's any other methods out there you guys have to help remove dents?

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Heat up the spot with a heat gun, then hit it with canned air, upside down. The charge from the can comes out cold, and the change in temperature from the heat is supposedly enough to pop the dent.

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I've heard about the Ding King and them as well, but I've also heard mixed opinions on them. I was hoping to be able to find something I could use around the house that would help.

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Haha, just saw that as I hit reply. The whole "canned air, upside down" part confused me though. Could you elaborate on that at all?

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That air-in-a-can, the stuff you use for cleaning electronics and the like? It comes in a can, like spraypaint. When you dispense it with the bottom side up, the co2 is all that comes out and it is a really cold mist-like spray.

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No problem, I've seen it work yet I know people who swear its a farce. No matter, its worth the try.

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My wife's mustang has a nice dent in the door from where someone slammed open their truck door into hers parked at work. I tried the above method of using the can of air. I think it brought the dent out some, but not all the way. I was using a hair dryer though in the winter in the garage. I plan on getting a heat gun and trying again when the weather is warmer out and some dry ice if I can find a place to get it locally. I've heard that the dry ice will work better than the can of compressed air for larger dents.

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Be careful.. the main use of heat guns is to peel paint. But that is usually house paint that isn't meant to withstand the beatings that a car's exterior would.

But +1 for the liquid co2 method.

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