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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Championship prizes

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There were a couple of tournaments I took part in... first prize was a voucher that you could use at the LHS (who organised the tourny), but in order for you to be able to use the $50 voucher, you needed to spend at least $300-$400 to be eligible... what a crappy prize.

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The beer prize wouldn't be tricky, as a courtsey for those that don't drink (and the underage if in an 18+ league) just throw a few bottles of a couple different types of pop in. Just turn the prize over to the captain, ensuring that he/she is 21 and have him/her sign a form stating that he/she understands they aren't to give alcohol to anyone under aged.

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The inline league I play in gave us a pretty nice plaque, with the team's and player's names engraved on it, as well as $250 off the next seasons registration. Not bad when you figure the team fee is $1500.

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My team just won another championship yesterday and we got t-shirts saying champs of year,league,division and the names. A big trophy and i got a medal saying MVP :)And 50$ off from LHS so i'll get me self a new road hockey stick or spend it all on tape or something

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I like the idea of giving the winning team a voucher to the LHS. Good cross promotion, all of the rinks I play at have a store in them and they seem like they could use the business and turn over merch. It may get guys who may buy cheap gear to go over their budget and buy more expensive stuff.

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This year we got individual trophies (the little hockey player on a pedestal) and beer tickets. The championship winner (we were runners up unfortunately) also got a little MN state wooden trophy, which is what we got as kids when we won our state tourney.

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