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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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SE 16 question

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For the last 2 years I have worn the Synergy 1500 skates and before that the 1300 skate. Now I need new skates and none of the hockey stores in my area can get the SE16 in a 10.5 and I have been trying for a couple weeks now. So I am looking at buying last years model online (I am not vary fond of white skates anyway) so it is a win win situation lower price and the color I want, that's assuming that there are only cosmetic differences between the two. How does the fit of the Se16 compare to the 1500. I would love to try this skate on in store however that isn't possible right now and if the fit is similar then I would probably just get it online.I have searched and I understand that the SE16 is based on comfort and is wider than the s17, which I have tried on and thought was too narrow.

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The SE 15's are a slightly deeper fitting boot and slightly wider than the 1500 or 1300. I still have my 1300's and they fit me slightly tighter than the SE 15 skates but feel almost identical overall.

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I have the original synergys, the 1300's and the s-15's. I recently picked up the white s-16's and now the s-17's. I've never had the 1500's but if you liked the fit of the 1300's. I'm pretty sure you will be pleased with the s-16's. In my opinion the 16s have a little more room in the arch and the boot goes up the leg a little higher. that could be because the 1300's had the shock dr insoles though. I might be putting them in my 16's now that i think of it. hope this helps.

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