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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Aussie Joe

Hockey Shops in Paris/Amsterdam/Euro

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I always manage to bring back Euro jerseys for my buddys when I go overseas. Now my best mate is heading off to Paris and Amsterdam and I need to give him directions to a hockey shop where he can buy some local team jersey. I've tried hitting up Google but my French is terrible at the best of times.

Can anyone send me any links or street addresses to any shops in Paris, Amsterdam or even Prague? Any help would be fantastic.

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I recently lived in Amsterdam for a year and a half. Never saw one place w/ hockey gear. Ton of Ajax stuff if your buddy is into soccer. If you can find an Ice rink somewhere in the Netherlands you could call there and ask. You can get anywhere outside Amsterdam by train pretty quickly. Amsterdam is a pretty tiny city. Almost everyone there speaks english.

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Prague would be your best bet I would have thought, I have a friend thats got me a fair few over the last 4-5 years. I'll ask him where he went in the city tonight.

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Thanks DeeRok, I have links for him to grab me a jersey so far in Berlin, Amsterdam and Prague. Hopefully he can pick me up a "Tijgers" jersey, both home and away look awesome!

Do you know if the store is open in Summer as well Deerok?

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Hey Joe,

I have no idea what their hours would be in the summer, but I can't imagine they would shut down completely.

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