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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey Workouts

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Just looking for a few simple workouts i can do at home or the gym. Ive been riding the bike 30 seconds all out then a slow pedal for 30 seconds and do that for 10 mins or so. Not looking for some elaborate plan, but the one area I really need some tips is strengthining the wrists and forearms (especially wrists).

Merge if there already exists a thread, i couldnt find it.

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there's been tons of threads on hockey conditioning with consesnsus on interval training being the most effective - just search

specificlly on wrists/forearms - I personally swear by grippers & use them at home regularry - makes wonders to the overall grip strength & wrist health (otherwise I get tendonitis in my wrists from stickhandling - typical overuse injury)

I also do wrist curls for higher reps - can be done with either dumbbell or barbell - nothing crazy here - once a week is enough to maintain the level...

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Good stuff! Another one is to take a piece of an old hockey stick (about 8-12 inches from the shaft) and drill a hole in the middle. Run a string through the hole and attach a 5-10 (or more) weight on the end of the string. hold the stick with two hands and rotate your wrists to the string winds up and the weight is lifted off the ground right up to the shaft, then unwind it. Make sure the string is long enough that the weight starts on the ground when your arms are fully extended from the body.

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Good stuff! Another one is to take a piece of an old hockey stick (about 8-12 inches from the shaft) and drill a hole in the middle. Run a string through the hole and attach a 5-10 (or more) weight on the end of the string. hold the stick with two hands and rotate your wrists to the string winds up and the weight is lifted off the ground right up to the shaft, then unwind it. Make sure the string is long enough that the weight starts on the ground when your arms are fully extended from the body.

That is a good wrist roller but it could be made more effective by using a wide diameter piece of PVC piping or similar, holding the larger cylinder will be harder to do than a stick shaft.

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check out the weightlifting thread, tons of info/opinions on there:


You can't lose with interval training as you are already doing. In my own training, I have found that the most beneficial exercises for me regarding hockey are those which strengthen the "core", so squats, deadlifts, cleans, etc. But I don't do these for max. I do them with lighter weights, and at a speed that more simulates game-conditions. In other words, I do them at a reasonably fluid pace, but also with enough weight to stimulate muscle-growth. There are some great core-exercise tips on the MSH weightlifting thread.

Check out Pete Twist's book on hockey workout, just type his name on Amazon. Good info there.

Also might want to check out P90X system(just google p90x). That is an all-around workout setup not specific for hockey, but the Core Synergystics section is an awesome workout for hockey. I did it for the first time last week, and I'm still feeling it. It basically has you do a bunch of strenuous movements while in somewhat of a moving-crouch, which is what you more or less do in a hockey game. If you want P90X you have to order it, and it's like 150 bucks or so.

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