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Computer help: bind a key

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I'm having some minor problems with my display, my screen sometime goes dark without any apparent reasons. I can get it back by simply changing the resolution, it kind of resets the display and brings it back.

However, changing the resolution when you can't see a thing is not an easy task. I'd like to bind a key or a keyboard shortcut to change resolution. Does anyone know or have any idea how to do so? My numerous google searches didn't lead to anything related and i have no idea where to ask.


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Im going to think outloud here...maybe something will help.

Can you bind a key to something like that?

I googled like you, my first result was for java....

Ive had video games change my resolution (as they were set at different resolutions)....so MAYBE, youll have to figure out that command, then potentially, if you have a keyboard with programmable buttons, you can write up some java code and set a programmable button to the .exe, and problem solved.

Realistically...that sounds like way too much work, might want to try and fix whatever problem your graphics card/monitor are having. Have you tried plugging in another monitor when your current one does that? Seems like an odd problem...maybe just a dying monitor.


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which operating system do you use? it may help someone help you more. Also do you have a multimedia keyboard? if not you might want to consider getting one (more buttons you could set for specific purposes.

Just a guess, but maybe if you had a gaming style mouse with a dedicated macro button you could set something up with that?

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Thanks for the help. I should mention it's a Vaio Laptop running vista Ultimate.

Bender, the mouse idea is great. I can easily bind a button to launch an application that would change the resolution. I also discovered that you can assign a shortcut key to any shortcut icons on the desktop just by opening the Properties..

The only applications that changes my resolution are games. It does the job but it would be a lot better if someone knew how to write a simple .exe or .bat application in notepad that would have for only purpose to change the resolution. I guess that would be very easy if you know what you're doing.

Pantherfan: i'm not familiar with Macros but i guess i'll search on the subject.

Thanks again!

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