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Shoulder pads & the overal shoulder protection

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there's a thread re equipment mods, and quite a few suggested that they have removed/detached biceps pads from their shoulder pads...

considering that I hate shoulders overall, and biceps pads in particular I was thinking of doing the same (since I see a lot of pros other then just personal preference such as: it increases mobility, decreases weight, reduces the overall "footpring" making the front profile slimmer etc), but would very much like to know:

does removing biceps pads actually reduce overal protection for the shouder joint ? if so then in what way & how much?


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Weight wont be a factor, i dont know about you but the bicip pads on my shoulder weigh literally nothing. IF (and its a big IF) the shoulders stay flat then the protection wont change, but seeing as your shoulder pads are most likey attached to you by the bicip pad you're about to remove I can see them moving independantly from your shoulders.

Not only that but you're going to feel getting a stick accross the upper arm..

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there's a thread re equipment mods, and quite a few suggested that they have removed/detached biceps pads from their shoulder pads...

considering that I hate shoulders overall, and biceps pads in particular I was thinking of doing the same (since I see a lot of pros other then just personal preference such as: it increases mobility, decreases weight, reduces the overall "footpring" making the front profile slimmer etc), but would very much like to know:

does removing biceps pads actually reduce overal protection for the shouder joint ? if so then in what way & how much?


I don't see any of those pro's in removing the bicept pads. I've never had the bicept pad reduce mobility and it's usually the shoulder cup that gives the bigger profile. As far as decreased weight if removing them makes a difference then it's time for the gym.

I see some cons like the shoulder cup moving out of place (especially during a hit) and lots of bruising to the bicep area.

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I don't like it when the bicep pad interferes with the pad on the top of my elbows. I usually just remove the extension from teh top of my elbows instead of the bicep pad on my shoulders. Same result, different way to get it. Removing the bicep pad will not change the protection to your shoulder, it will reduce the protection to your upper arm in the event of slashes or puck impacts.

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actually on One90 the biceps bads aren't exactly tiny - they seem to get in the way...

the shoulder caps are attached independently, so removing biceps pads doesn't seem to compromise the structural integrity or fit...

anyhow - it's probably a minor comfort issue, but non the less important to me personally - feels so much better without pads - almost like wearing no shoulder pads at all!

slashes is a different story though...

different question - can biceps pads be purchased separately?

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actually on One90 the biceps bads aren't exactly tiny - they seem to get in the way...

the shoulder caps are attached independently, so removing biceps pads doesn't seem to compromise the structural integrity or fit...

anyhow - it's probably a minor comfort issue, but non the less important to me personally - feels so much better without pads - almost like wearing no shoulder pads at all!

slashes is a different story though...

different question - can biceps pads be purchased separately?

I have some bicep pads from some Itech 660 shoulders

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