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Air Quality at Ice Rinks

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There is a rink in Phoenix that is terrible, the Carbon Monoxide alarm sometimes goes off after the Zam and they have to wait for the air to clear out before they start play.

Does the name of that rink rhyme with "starcadia"? I've been there many a time when there was a yellow fog hovering above the ice. Fun stuff!

If we were playing password my clue would be "Seaside". At least they finally put new glass in after about 30 years. Now you can actually watch a game from the bleachers instead of trying to find an unscratched surface big enough to look through.

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I hate when ESPN talks s%!t about hockey. I wouldn't feel attacked if say the NHL network did that or TSN but I feel that ESPN hates hockey and only talks about it to point out any and all negatives.

But really that news is disturbing, I hope all states pass a law for clean air quality.

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There is a rink in Phoenix that is terrible, the Carbon Monoxide alarm sometimes goes off after the Zam and they have to wait for the air to clear out before they start play.

Does the name of that rink rhyme with "starcadia"? I've been there many a time when there was a yellow fog hovering above the ice. Fun stuff!

If we were playing password my clue would be "Seaside". At least they finally put new glass in after about 30 years. Now you can actually watch a game from the bleachers instead of trying to find an unscratched surface big enough to look through.

Ahh yes, the 'Side. Tuesday nights were so much fun. Trying to warm up while choking on what were apparently propane and burning cat fur fumes. The locker rooms didn't smell much better!

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the worst rink i've ever skated at like this would be the old lawrence valley forum in MA. both teams felt light headed and you could smell propane. Sloppiest game ever for both sides, sucked the life right out of me

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I've said in numerous times about the rink at TBSA, I refuse to skate there anymore because I can't breathe well at that rink. I always assumed it had something to do with the dehumidifiers.

Spreedizzle plays there currently.

Yeah......so the main rink on this expose' is the one that I play at.....grreeeaaatttt!!! The rink area does have a faint amonia smell to it when you enter. Few mins and I don't even notice it. I can't say though that I have ever felt winded, or that I was having difficulty breathing. So I don't believe that it is affecting me at all. That being said however, the levels of carbon monoxide on calibrated instruments is quite alarming. The only good thing that I see coming out of this is further awareness to draft legislation (as is currently being done in Florida) to maintain proper air quality in rinks. The other positive is that I sell commercial IAQ equipment that could handle and purify the air at a rink such as TBSA. OOO....Sales Opportunity!!! ;)

Is this turning into a Kenyon marathon runner situation? Are you better at other rinks? lol

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