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Vancouver Stickhandling Coach Recommendations

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Hey Guys,

I'm looking into taking some lessons in stickhandling and was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for coaches. As for my level of play, I've had about 3 years Peewee/Bantam/Atom C Experience, and am currently playing in a Div 8/12 League, but have always had problems fully understanding how to attack and defend with a puck. Looking for a coach/course that offers the following:

1. Attacking and Defending Mentality (different situations that occur during a game, and what to do)

2. Drills that help improve control

3. Courses after 6pm preferably

Thanks in Advance!

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I'd strongly recommend Skinner's DVDs + practice, practice & more practice - that's all it takes :)

I just personally believe that unless you have a specific & very targeted issue that needs to be addressed (which from your description doesn't appear to be the case - rather it's a whack ot things that need improvements) a few hours with an instructor would NOT make much of a difference rather then setting you a few hundred bucks back...

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Ron Johnson, he is a Junior B coach that works in the Vancouver area developing young teenagers into hockey machines.

I believe he either runs or coaches the ND Devils Junior B Program, he has been doing it for years.

I don't know if he does camps, courses or personal sessions for adults, but he is a good guy and is a wealth of knowledge.

He teaches the various grips etc and how it affects shooting, passing, stickhandling etc.

a quick google came up with this: http://www.ndhockey.com/exec.php?exec_id=30776 , and this: http://www.hockeyschoolonline.com/directors.htm , and this: http://www.northdeltadevils.com/?loadpage=staff.php

He coached against us when i was Bantam AAA in Surrey and I tried out for him at Queens Park as a Junior B player, ended up playing elsewhere... he trained me for a week at a hockey school I attended, and He has been coaching/tutoring my younger cousin who is playing (most likely) Major Midget next year or going to ND in Saskatchewan from North delta Bantam AAA this year.

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You know what help me? A heavy wooden stick.

I was using composites and getting frustrated. I would lose the puck while handling it. The puck would jump off my stick when receiving passes.

I went back to a sher-wood for about month straight and then I started to notice I was doing things I normally wasn't. Like stick handling.

I've just gone back to the composite and the difference is very obvious. If I ever lose my confidence again I'm going right back to a woodie.

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you can book private sessions with Ron Johnson, i'd recommend him. my bro and i went to him and he completely changed the way we shoot for the better! besides, where else can you shoot like 300 pucks with instruction?

he runs his shooting sessions out of GPF by the Alex Fraser bridge in a side room that is accessable from the main entrance, and beside the Canadian rink. I'm fairly certain you can request stickhandling training with him, but he may make you show him what you've got in terms of shooting and the way you hold your stick.

he charges about $30 per hour paid in cash. you just gotta call him and set up an appointment. check out his schedule which is updated regularly on his website. possibly the best money i've spent training wise so far. or i guess you could email him on his blackberry.

i think he stopped coaching last year though due to his father's death. he still does team training sessions, and seems to get a lot of korean players especially in the summer that come overseas for gear and what not. once my wrist gets better i should consider going to see him again. he teaches all sorts of players from lil kids to NCAA to rec players. always good to check him out.

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Awesome! I was hoping there was another BC'er that had good things to say about Him.

He does work with everyone from total rookies to the game to current professionals from what I am told. So he is the guy, and to get that level of coaching for $30 an hour is fan-f&^king-tastic!

I'd prolly pay $30 a hour just to use the side fake ice at GPF to wail pucks for an hour getting top flight coaching from someone of this ilk for that kind of cash is an absolute screamer of a deal!

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