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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stastny Pro Stock - Paul or Yan?

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Today I picked up two pro stock sticks for $60 each, they are both sherwood momentum x comps with the letters ds carbon on them and are stamped 'Stastny'. They are blue and about 65 inches long before i cut them, left handed with a fairly straight blade on it, no fancy curve or anything. I was wondering, who would be the person these were made for? They have wooden blades by the way and are black at the bottom.

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pics? i would assume yan? the one that plays in colorado. he still used wood. not sure about the other one.

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I saw some Stastny's in the Pepsi Center store last time I was there. Black Sherwoods for sure but I don't remember what the curve looked like.

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Oh, the guy at the shop just told me they were pro stock i didnt know any different and they felt pretty solid for the price, im using one for road hockey probably going to use the other for pond.

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on the top side of the shaft it does say "SOP" ?

Yes, and it has a fully wooden blade. I compared it to a regular momentum and its quite a bit different even though they look similar.

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on the top side of the shaft it does say "SOP" ?

Yes, and it has a fully wooden blade. I compared it to a regular momentum and its quite a bit different even though they look similar.

I am going to take a guess and say those are pro stock samples designed for "Yan Stastny". I did a bit of research on Getty Images and the blade on your picture looks pretty similar to Yan's blade. A high blade (which helps prevents the puck from hopping over the blade). I have never seen a retail stick/blade that is high throughout. Anyways, his brother Paul uses a more thinner/shorter height blade.


How about helping the members here and take a couple pictures of his curve and blade profile (lie and blade shape). How stiff would you say these sticks are ?

Regarding your question about whether the blade is fused in or not, I find that most pro stock shaft/wood blade combos are fused. I guess when the blade is gone you can heat it up and give it a pull.

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