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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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dont you get pissed off when..

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I think it's just like tapping on the glass in an aquarium or zoo. Something about a living thing on the other side compels people to pound on the glass. Otherwise normal, functioning human beings are reduced to idiots by a pane of glass between them and some other animal.

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That is annoying, almost as bad as the jackass on his cellphone who stands up and waves when the play passes by him. Jesus H. Christ, you mustn't get out a lot if being on t.v. is worth that level of douchebaggery.

It's bad enough when it happens once, but when the guy does it half a dozen times you should be able to beat him to death.

NO F'ING KIDDING. That is one of my biggest pet peeves ever. I see that it happens a lot at Joe Louis Arena for some reason....I just don't get the fascination with that.

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That is annoying, almost as bad as the jackass on his cellphone who stands up and waves when the play passes by him. Jesus H. Christ, you mustn't get out a lot if being on t.v. is worth that level of douchebaggery.

It's bad enough when it happens once, but when the guy does it half a dozen times you should be able to beat him to death.

NO F'ING KIDDING. That is one of my biggest pet peeves ever. I see that it happens a lot at Joe Louis Arena for some reason....I just don't get the fascination with that.

I was SO happy last year watching sportcenter. They spotlight a woman behind home plate, (about 15 rows back) foul ball hits the net, she freaks out and drops the cell phone she had been yammering away on. At least she got on TV like she wanted...

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