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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM & Canadian Tire

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i know a few years ago CCM Bikes and CCM Hockey were somewhat related to each other even sharing the logo

i thought that stopped once CCM was bought by Reebok with CCM Hockey coming out with a new logo to further differentiate itself

not to mention CanTire beginning to sell Schwinn branded bikes

but i see now that CanTire is selling various CCM bikes with the new logo?? any ideas

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but wouldn't they have to use the old red/blue logo? to use the new logo wouldn't they need to licence from Reebok/CCM

if Reebok/CCM allowed it (as it appears they did) doesn't that defeat the purpose of changing it

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Just a few 'entry' level bikes. They try to punch above their weight in terms what the bikes have on them (ie disc brakes etc.) but to keep them at a lower price they use substandard components that dont work very well and cheap heavy frames. Steer as far clear as possible, sometimes less is more...

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