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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ankle/Lace protection

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After experiencing the pain of taking a shot to the laces during shinny I'm looking to get a set of ankle and lace area protectors/guards for my skates. So my research has turned up the 'Skatemate Max Evolution' skate guards which look pretty good and the Nash Ankle Guards (which a LHS has in stock) but I've been unable to find any images or site about the Nash guards.

Does have any experience with either of these guards and would they recommend either? Or know where I can find a site about the Nash guards? My google-fu seems to be weak today...

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These have been discussed and general idea is that these are the best of the best. Bit more expensive, but an option to think about depending on your budget. Good luck.

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The trainer for the flyers has a product called the skate shield that has been worn by about a dozen NHL players, most notably Kimmo Timonen and Rod Brind'Amour. It's a composite shell that creates an air pocket between the outer shell and the boot. The problem with most of these products is they are just a "shield" that sits directly on the surface of the skate, doing very little to dissipate the impact.

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Bit more expensive, .

"Bit" more expensive???...........those are DAMN expensive :P

Unless you are a "pro" hockey player there are definitely cheaper solutions...ie make your own even

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The problem with most of these products is they are just a "shield" that sits directly on the surface of the skate, doing very little to dissipate the impact.

So are ankle protectors worth investing in? I must admit I've not seen anyone wearing them.

I liked the look of the Skatemate ones as they seemed fairly low profile (as are the $250 set someone linked to). Some of the other ankle protectors look very bulky in comparison but then how much actual protection do the low profile protectors actually offer?

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Wow those seem HORRIBLY overpriced. They appear to just be a small sheet of carbon fiber with some holes cut for straps. They should be 1/4 of that price.

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There are shields that lace into the skate, with a specialty impact gel that's lightweight that does a great job protecting the top of the foot. I can't remember the name right now but as soon as I do, I'll let you know.

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The ones that just sit against the skate don't offer any added protection. that's like wearing one of those motorcycle helmets that's just a piece of carbon form fitted to your head. sure it's considered a helmet, but if you fall, all it's going to do is keep your brains in. the air pocket acts as a padding in that the initial blow of the puck doesn't reach your foot immediately. it is instead spread out over the entire area, thus reducing the force of the impact. much like the safer barriers in auto racing.

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