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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Question about lefties

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I played baseball before hockey so I'm sure that influenced which hockey stick I chose (i bat righty and shoot righty). I also think other factors to consider are dominant eye and dominant leg. All these things combined will equal what feels most comfortable.

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Eat Left handed

Write Left Handed

Play all of my sports Right handed

Kick Right footed

I feel my left hand is more coordinated then my right hand.

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Eat Left handed

Write Left Handed

Play all of my sports Right handed

Kick Right footed

I feel my left hand is more coordinated then my right hand.

never seen this combo before ^.-

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lol ye thats weird...i think you have the ability to be one of those bi (not bi-sexuals lol), write with both hands...maybe at the same time? =P

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Ambidextrous. I'm a righty and my dominate hand is right, it just always felt natural having my dominate hand on bottom.

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i don't think that's the right word for what you are talking about... the weird thing is that i write better with my right hand then i do with my left, but the left hand feels more natural and i write faster so i just stick to writing left handed...which sucks.

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ye that sounds like it. over complicated made up scientific words lol

since everyone's listing i do everything right...but when i play soccer i can use both legs with same effect and i switch hit in baseball, i'm more accurate batting left and i got more power batting right, i find that part a lil weird

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The word is ambidextrous being able to use both right and left with the same amount of strength and effectiveness.

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my brother and I are both right handed, but I shoot right and he shoots left. We both grew up with the school of thought that right handed people should shoot left. I tried using a left handed stick but, never felt comfortable with it so I just decided to shoot right. My brother on the other hand felt more comfortable shooting left. I'm not sure if age was a factor in it, I was I think 11 years old and he was 7.

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Eat Left handed

Write Left Handed

Play all of my sports Right handed

Kick Right footed

I feel my left hand is more coordinated then my right hand.

never seen this combo before ^.-

well now you've seen it twice. that's me as well.

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Eat Left handed

Write Left Handed

Play all of my sports Right handed

Kick Right footed

I feel my left hand is more coordinated then my right hand.

never seen this combo before ^.-

well now you've seen it twice. that's me as well.

and three times. My specific issue like this is I am naturally lefty, but raised in a right handed world. Since I am lefty with any coordinated activities and my ex-wife is right handed my daughter has been able to pick up both hands fairly equally. Encourage whatever comes naturally for the child, and if it's both sides then encourage use of both sides.

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My son was just like this at that age. He started out with a hockey stick before we really knew he would be left-handed. It turns out he is a lefty and eats left and writes left. But he always wanted to shoot the puck/ball right. In soccer he kicks right and sometimes left when necessary. In baseball he bats right but throws left. Of course in hockey he still shoots right. We never tried to change anything and that has worked out quite well. As others have said, just let him go.

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