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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Revision sticks

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Revision have revealed their new sticks on their facebook page. the new curves as described by 'Revision' in the thread are as follows:




Interesting understated graphics.

Be interesting to hear some feedback when these hit stores.

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I posted on the facebook thread that it looked like the Dolo/xxxx on first look due to the checkered weave, but having looked again, it's odd how the mid to toe is painted, and that check on the shaft is familiar.... Almighty?

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Revision have revealed their new sticks on their facebook page. the new curves as described by 'Revision' in the thread are as follows:


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Hi guys and girls! We released a few pictures on facebook to show them off a bit to those who support Revision Hockey as a sneak peak. We expect our first small production run to arrive in early July. We will be showing them at TORHS Finals in Florida, NARCh Finals in Canada, and Statewars Finals in Cincinatti. Retail price will be approx. $159.99-$169.99 for Senior models $149.99 for intermediate and $129.99-$139.99 for junior. Flexes are 95 and 80 for Senior model - approx. weight is 425 grams, 65 flex for intermediate, and 50 flex for junior.

Thank You,

Nabeel Gerges

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just to clear up (the way you typed has me confused a touch) 425 grams for senior or int stick? if it is senior, that'll definatly helped revision get noticed at that price :D

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I think Nabeel means that the Senior stick is 425grams... My current TPS Chrome senior is about 435grams without the blade tape, so I would assume that this is a good offering from Revision.

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