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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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who did kobe rat out

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today i heard on tv koba bryant said theres another nba star who frequently paid off woman they raped or degraded or whatever, the news reporter said it was really easy to find out the nba star kobe accused and that all of the nba knows about it and thats why he didnt get any support from them. So any of you guys know who kobe was talking about???

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yea, i heard jordan used to do that too, i saw some blonde girl claiming him and her performed the physical act of love together all the time while he was on the road. p.s im an idiot

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Naw, Shawn Kemp wasn't shy about people knowing who he banged. Hell, when a baby would pop out 9mos later that craved Hostess, his gig was up.

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