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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Se16/Dolo 2 two-piece stick

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I love my se16 grip shaft, its amazing, but i dont know about the dolo blade cuz i have the se elite blade and 3 wood spezzas

pro stock blades!?! or not..

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ive used the 2 piece dolo before (w/ a robitaille) and i loved it. it lasted me a while and i liked the shot i had with it. cant say much much about the easton, but i would definitely recommend the warrior

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If the SE16 is anything like the Synergy II shaft I have, it's quality. My Synergy II has a really nice feel. Concave and really light. I also used a Dolomite 2 blade last year and it lasted me something like 6 months before it finally broke. Nothing like the RBK and Easton blades that lasted me less than a month. The only complaint I had about it was the hosel on it is longer than Easton or Nike Bauer blades, so if you're used to a certain length of your stick you have to adjust a little bit.

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I love Synergy Shafts. I have a Synergy II and a shaft made from a pro stock SE, both are great, the SE is a tad bit lighter. Haven't used a dolo blade though, I stick with the eastons so I don't have to tinker with the length.

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Has anyone tried this? I want a smyth curve blade and a very light shaft. Is this the right choice?

Same set up I have been using more of the year. I have the Synergy II shaft....I assume they are very close if not the same. I like the combo. It's not the best balanced stick in the world but that could be from cutting the shaft to size. I weighed mine cut and fully taped, I don't remember the exact weight but it was lighter then then my Dolo OPS by a few grams.

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If the SE16 shafts are anything like the SE shafts from last year I'm staying away from them. They most likely are the exact same shaft just with new paint. I bought the SE shaft and it broke within an hour of buying it, so I sent it in and got my replacement, first game I use that it broke too. Maybe I am just unlucky with these shafts, but I'd say the durability is shit. Just my 2 cents.

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I've been using se shaft made from ops/dolo prostock blade combo for a while now and i have to say i'm happier than I was with the ops. I went through michalek and I'm just at the point of breaking clarke curve and they are the best combos i've used thus far. I tried to shift to hossa toe curve but because both lie and blade profile are significantly lower in this case I'm having difficulties to adjust. All in all it's a great 2-piece if you find right curve.

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I have been very happy with my Synergy II shaft, and Dolo blades are incredibly stiff and very durable. A goalie told me my hardest shots were with the Syn II / Dolo combo. They don't have the best puck feel though, but I've heard the new Dolomite HD blades are a big improvement in that area. When my Dolomite OPS breaks, I'll be using my Syn II shaft and a Dolo HD blade as my main rig.

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Don't see the point in buying some fake OPS that are actually 2 pieces shaft+blade...

It's better to buy the shaft+blade, the feel will be exactly the same, so later if you want something different you can slap any blade you want ... it will avoid you the hard time heating it to convert back your "OPS" into a regular 2pieces ..

Especially for the ops dolo it's not very easy for everyone once it's broken to remove the blade from the shaft.

SE16 really kicks ass.

Difficult to have something light and durable :( S17, U+ have the best feeling by far but performances will decrease fast

The best ratio durability/feel so far to me would be the one95

Note that the RBK10k looks good but didnt have the chance to try yet

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