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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tips for getting biger

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Hi im 5'4 115 lbs im a defenceman and i want to get bigger because the kids i play are about 5'8 150 andi get pushed around i want to make my ankles stronger and build up my torso for shots and hitting.. any tips of what i can do to make myself bigger and stronger now through the summer?

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Workout at a fast speed. Be in top physical shape and you'll be able to hang with most pepole no matter what size. Hockeys 80% legs for balance and hip checking. Do some squats and leg work in the gym. Anything too give you an extra jump on the ice, sprints do wonders if your willing too do the work.

One of the greatest hockey players I personally know is about your build, well he's about your height and 160 of lean muscle. He bumps around guys alot bigger than him by simple having a low base and strong bottom body.

Hope it helps, Id look at some workout forums instead of this.

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do a search for "weightlifting"on this site. Tons of stuff comes up, some of it valuable.

Also can hit Amazon for Pete Twist's training book.


While there check out the "Weight training for Hockey" book as well under the "customers who bought this book also bought" section.

And remember that the usual weight-exercises that people do to look good at the beach won't be of much use to you on the ice, in and of themselves. Speaking for myself, it is hands-down those pain in the butt "core exercises" that have helped me most as a hockey player.

I particularly got a kick from "Chris Chelios' Hour of Power". Google it. That, in my opinion, is a great mix of core work, combined with stamina work.

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I get a ton of email every day about getting bigger, oh wait.

do a search for "weightlifting"on this site. Tons of stuff comes up, some of it valuable.

Great suggestion

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