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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Supreme 95 Shoulder Pads

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Just got them in, wonder if any one can explain the reason for not covering the front section of the shoulder cap with the padding and material? It looks really weird, about a 2 inch section on the front isn't covered over the edge. Looked at the catalog and the pics also show it. Anyone have an idea of why it has been designed like this?

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that would be cool, if only it didn't look like a plain ole piece plastic and foam!

Didn't the NHL introduce new regulations a few years back that all caps needed to be covered? Does this contravene the rule?

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that would be cool, if only it didn't look like a plain ole piece plastic and foam!

Didn't the NHL introduce new regulations a few years back that all caps needed to be covered? Does this contravene the rule?

My guess would be that the catalogue is made for us the consume instead of the pro's. If I recall not many of the retail elbow pads are usable at the pro level.

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the new rbk elbows are meant to be nhl spec if i remember right...one of their selling points or something

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When you buy Reebok/CCM or Graf you get what the pros use. If you see the NHL symbol on the Reebok/CCM it's pro spec equipment. Graf just makes their equipment one way so what you get is what the pros have. When you buy Bauer or Easton your not getting pro quality equipment just equipment made for the general retail market not that its not decent equipment, but the pros can order custom features from all the manufacturers if they wish to upgrade it to what they want.

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