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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Removing Rusted Screws

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Hey guys,

Ive decided to return to using my 8k helmet instead of my Intake as the comfort of the 8k outweighs the ventilation of the intake.

As the visor on my 8k is seriously beat up I decided to replace it however getting the old one off has proved troublesome as all the screws are rusted and some of the heads are stripped.

I managed to remove the visor itself by snapping it at the mounting points however the screws are still stuck in the helmet.

Anyone got any ideas of how to get them out???

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I removed the padding and drilled out the center of the screws.

I didn't need to drill through, the drill bit just damaged the nut enough so that is was easy to hold it down with some pliers.

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have you tried penetrating oil? Shoot some JB-80 on the threads and let it sit a while. I'd be careful not to get any on the plastic parts of the helmet though, chemicals + helmet = bad. Just don't strip the heads off the screws, then it gets a lot tougher.

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Same thing happened with me on my intake. The best I can think of is to drill through the screw/post and replace them all with the Itech helmet repair kit. I believe you can get the correct posts and screws in there, at least enough to make the helmet usable. The posts are a little short, but I used longer screws to get the cage back in, and it's solid.

I think Mission has a problem with rusting out, so I'm going to spray a little WD40 and replace the screws every few months until I need a new lid.

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With my 8K, i snapped the visor off too, but i used a pair of vise grips on the inside screw in piece and on the outside bolt and VOILA. I hope you know what i mean. Well since you broke the visor off, I'm pretty sure you have enough to grab on. I just pushed on the bolt and it popped the inside part out to be able to grab it with the grips on both sides. It wrecks the screws but doesn't harm your helmet in any way.

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