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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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For Capitals Fans registered in VA

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They might, but in the future. For the Flyers plates, I know PA was the first with them, then Delaware and Jersey were next in line. I'm still waiting for my Jersey plates

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In Ontario, there are a bunch of graphics available for lic. plates. NHL (Leafs/Sens) CFL (Ticats/Argos), Jays, Raptors...as well as other stuff for community organizations, universities, veterans...

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In Ontario, there are a bunch of graphics available for lic. plates. NHL (Leafs/Sens) CFL (Ticats/Argos), Jays, Raptors...as well as other stuff for community organizations, universities, veterans...

You can get the licenses for almost all the other sporting organizations, veterans, pet lovers, college sports etc here.

In order to create a permanent plate design at the DMV, they need an initial order of 450, then after that, it will always be on file.

The caps have not been too popular in recent years, so now that they are spiking, they are trying to get this up and running

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Do they have the same program in Maryland too?

Yes but Marylands requirements I believe were 50 pre-paid applications so they are now available. I believe they auctioned off number 1-100 with #8 if I remember getting the most amount of bids.

I'd go for it but I like my current Caps plates better "CAPS FN8" ... ah VA home of the most vanity plates in the US of A.

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