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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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hornet or hotshot?

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i much preferred the hot shot over the hornet. I found that they had just as good a performance but much better durability. They're also cheaper.

On the other hand, i'm now on revision variants, and i think they beat both the hornets and hot shots hands down. Just my PP though.

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For the price... you cannot beat the hotshots I had mine for over a year before they died. The revisions are also a good wheel My first set lasted at least 4 months, and I've been on my second set since september-october.

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what kind of surface are you playing on? If its a pretty rough surface i'd say get the world cup wheels - those have held up great for me. I had hotshots and after a month and a half or so they pretty much all started to fall apart. I think i had 2 wheels break in one practice.

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I must be the only person who prefers the Hornets, as my biggest strength in inline is my speed rather than shooting or stick handling, I notice a fair difference between the slightly wider Hot Shots and the narrower Hornets. When I repped for them last year I asked inquiring players about their skating style, if they had a short and choppy stride I recommended the Hot Shots as they will give them more surface area and more agility, but if they were like me and their game centered around speed I recommended the Hornets.

Both seem to last forever and I will skate on the brand as long as I can.

Just an opinion though I'm sure experiences will vary.


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i was looking at hornets on hockeymonkey.com and the only two they have are the black and yellow ones. The yellow ones are 76A and the black ones are 78A

hardness. I am looking for the white ones that came on my CCM Vector 08's. Anyone know what hardness these are? And where i can get some, or if they are the

same as the yellow or the black ones?

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the white hornets on the Vector O8 are 76A and I beleive they are made just for that particular skate but are the same as the yellow ones just with a different color

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I dont know about anyone else but I have th hot shot wheels on my skates now and I think they are way better then the hornet wheels.

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Damn, im so split on which ones to buy now, i have the hornets but they didnt last as long as i hoped. Alot of people say that hot shots last longer, i just want to be sure that they will have a great grip on the sport court i play on

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