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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Width = volume ?

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Hi All

A question, will switching to E width from D give a skake more volume,

I could use a little more width and volume in my CCM Vectors

will changinge to E width help

i have 10.5 D now.


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D to E or EE added more volume at the forefoot area not the whole boot.

I'm sorry but that is not correct. Going from a D to E or EE does increases the volume of the boot - all of the boot. If your ankle and heel fit well in the D I promise you they will not fit in an E or EE; the volume may work but the rest of the boot will not. Ideally, a new pair of skates are in order but if that is not an option, I would rather sacrifice the lack of volume for heel lock.

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i thought i had it down, but i guess i don't. what is the difference between depth and volume?

Depth would be how far down your foot sits into the boot. While volume is how much total area is available in the boot for your foot to fit.

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i thought i had it down, but i guess i don't. what is the difference between depth and volume?

Depth would be how far down your foot sits into the boot. While volume is how much total area is available in the boot for your foot to fit.

thanks, that's what i had assumed. is there a term for the amount of space going from the edge of the achilles' tendon area of the boot to the outer edge of the eyelets on the front of the boot?

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An E or EE boot will give you more room at the forefoot area of your skate. I'm right on the edge of a D and E width but I prefer an E width boot because it gives my forefoot and toes a little extra room on either side of my foot. My right foot always cramps in a D width because the boot pushes the sides of my foot in a bit. The depth of the skate is not effected ,just the side to side width. If you want a deeper boot go with Graf because they have a variety of boot depths and as well as width. For a deeper skate you need to move up to the G5, G7, or G9. Each one of these will give you a deeper boot than the G3. In the 700 series models go with the 705,707, and 709.

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