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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warrior Kovalev curve

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I love my Kovalev curve on my warriors, but at all of the stores near me they aren't carrying it anymore... instead they have kovalchuk which isn't even a heel curve? What is happening...they haven't discontinued it but i can't find it anywhere

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I love my Kovalev curve on my warriors, but at all of the stores near me they aren't carrying it anymore... instead they have kovalchuk which isn't even a heel curve? What is happening...they haven't discontinued it but i can't find it anywhere

Every 2009 Stick in the line is offered in Kovalev Pattern (SR)

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I love my Kovalev curve on my warriors, but at all of the stores near me they aren't carrying it anymore... instead they have kovalchuk which isn't even a heel curve? What is happening...they haven't discontinued it but i can't find it anywhere

Every 2009 Stick in the line is offered in Kovalev Pattern (SR)

i know that but i was just saying that i find it wierd that 3 stores i went to all had no kovalev curves on any of the senior sticks

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Just depends on your LHS and what players in the area want. I'd say the Kovalev/Drury/P91-type curves are one of the top two patterns I find in stores around here.

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Just depends on your LHS and what players in the area want. I'd say the Kovalev/Drury/P91-type curves are one of the top two patterns I find in stores around here.

Interesting, around here there are always 5 or 6 drury-ish curves left when all other patterns are gone. I have oonly played with one kid who used a drury. Everyone else has been a sakic or iginla or forsberg.

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Just depends on your LHS and what players in the area want. I'd say the Kovalev/Drury/P91-type curves are one of the top two patterns I find in stores around here.

That's because the Kovalev/Drury is the best, yet most untouched (at the retail level) curve. Ask the shop to order them for you, try another company's clone, or switch shops :o.

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Just depends on your LHS and what players in the area want. I'd say the Kovalev/Drury/P91-type curves are one of the top two patterns I find in stores around here.

Interesting, it's all Sakic/Draper around here.

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I believe Sakic is close to #1 at retail, if not the #1.

Around the twin cities I see way more people using pm9/modano clones.

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