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Slapshot III

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Was in the video store, and saw a copy of "slapshot III". Anybody see it yet? I was reaching for it, and then suddenly remembered how gawd awful slaphot II was, that I thought better of it and did not rent it. Is it worth watching, or will I just get violently ill like with II?

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Was in the video store, and saw a copy of "slapshot III". Anybody see it yet? I was reaching for it, and then suddenly remembered how gawd awful slaphot II was, that I thought better of it and did not rent it. Is it worth watching, or will I just get violently ill like with II?

It's a disgrace, along with Slapshot II. Don't waste any money on it.

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Slapshot III is more of a kids movie. More like the Mighty Ducks movies.

Other than the name & Hanson bro's nothing in common with the original.

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Caddyshack 2 did more to disgrace the original......

It is hard to say which is MORE of a disgrace.

Turning Bushwood into a "funhouse" golf course is just as bad as having the Cheifs go Globetrotters on ice.

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I don't know, the whole thing seems like arguing whether you'd rather be anally raped with a cactus, or with a porcupine.

Porcupine....It only hurts on the way out! :rolleyes: :lol:

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Was in the video store, and saw a copy of "slapshot III". Anybody see it yet? I was reaching for it, and then suddenly remembered how gawd awful slaphot II was, that I thought better of it and did not rent it. Is it worth watching, or will I just get violently ill like with II?

I think you need to be banned from the forum just for bringing up this sore, sore subject... cursing.gif

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I don't know, the whole thing seems like arguing whether you'd rather be anally raped with a cactus, or with a porcupine.

I think I have a new signature

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I am embarrassed to admit this but I also rented “Slap Shot III” and all I can say is that it was a waste of money and I will never get that hour and change of my life back.. Not at all worth watching and it is a total waste of money and time…

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My dad got it for me as a gift, because he knew I liked the original movie. Its still all wrapped up in its packaging. Ooooh, I just had visions of people going crazy for it in the Sell forum.

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I've never seen 2 or 3, are they so bad that I shouldn't even bother watching them if I rent them through netflix?

They're both terrible movies and I would never recommend either. That said, they're really no better or worse than 99.99% of the other straight to DVD crap that comes out.

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