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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Removing branding from pants

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Ive got black Vic hockey pants and I want to remove to white ink branding on the waist. Anyone know a good method or solution to get rid of it or at least faden it significantly?

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You might try automotive brake cleaner spray. It often works wonders in removing ink/stains/etc. Try it on a rag in a hidden area to make sure it won't hurt things but it should work well. I used silicone spray on a rag to remove the silver ink logos/etc on my Graf skates and it worked well on there.

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Ive got black Vic hockey pants and I want to remove to white ink branding on the waist. Anyone know a good method or solution to get rid of it or at least faden it significantly?

Do a Google search for 'remove silk screening' and you will find a number of ways to get rid of the lettering.

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