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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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So I took a gamble

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even though I'm a shaft/blade guy. Blew $199 on a nice One95 grip SR OPS with the P14 blade. I'm interested in seeing how it holds up. Got a couple P14 Bauer wood blades coming soon as well.

Thats what I get for getting lunch next to the pro shop in Edina

I hope it doesnt break on day 32

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good choice!

the one95 are pretty solid sticks, mine is still going strong and it's been 5 months. depends how often you play and how hard you are on the stick.

i'm on the road quite frequently with my colleague and we've been to about 8 different hockey shops in the past 2 weeks :lol:

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I play about twice a week and I normally use the Warrior AK27 grip (black with red lettering) and the One95 shafts both with the P92 blade.

The P92 and the P14 seem to have identical curves and supposedly similar lies. There is less rockering to the P14 it seems and flatter to the ice.

The P14 has been showing up in the SR retail One95 sticks at several shops, including Westwood Sports in Bloomington and General Sports in Edina, MN. I guess the special order P14 only comes in grip, but I can live with that. I've got a couple wood blades coming in as well, both are tapered though, unlike the One95 blades. (so I've been told)

I borrowed a friends NBH I.D. Stick w/the P14 once and fell in love w/the pattern. Hopefully the p14 takes off and isnt just a "Minnesota" deal.

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