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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shooting Question

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Well that got screwed up.

When you shoot, is your top elbow tucked in to your body, a little bit out, or is it almost pushed out in front of your body?

I got the Hull DVD and was screwing around trying to exaggerate putting my hands in front of my body while keeping the stick gripped in my hand, which led me to really turning the blade over on top of the puck and forced me to kind of push my elbow in front of me. And the odd thing is, this adjustment led to me hitting the corners 9 out of 10 times instead of maybe 4 or 5 out of 10. And my slappers went 5 hole 9 out of 10 times instead of going all over the place.

I've always had really good power on my shots, but have trouble with hitting the net. I think the reason is that instead of drawing the puck purely back to front and releasing, I'm moving it either closer or farther from my body, even just a small amount, and that must be exaggerated with the release of the puck.

Just wondering if I'm on the right track, or if there's some other adjustment (maybe the stick is too long and I'm compensating for it, although it's just below the chin) I need to make.

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hey why worry if its accurate and comfortable...when i shoot its pretty far out of the body...prolly because i flick the stick with my top hand along with the normal shooting motion (i'm a righty shooting right) gives me a lil bit more kick and accuracy

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I do the same thing with the kick/snap, but I was trying to work on a "pure" wrist shot. The other kicker is I feel like I can flex the stick more with my elbow up/out, so maybe it will also improve the power.

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i do the flick on pure wrist shots too...its just natural to me

is it comfortable to you when you stick your elbows out?

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Feels strange but accuracy goes way up. I'll play around with it some more, maybe it will be an intermediary learning step.

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I'm not really sure what I do. I like elbows in I think. It works though. I'll try the other technique. I've mastered the toe-drag wrist-shot, five-hole every time.

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Getting the top elbow out and away from the body allows you to sweep the stick forwar wioth the face closed, then you push with the bottom hand while pulling in with the top hand.

If you keep the elbow tucked in you are giving away a ton of power.

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