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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor 40 XXXX Gloves Pro Nylon

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I would try TSR, I know they had a couple pairs of Aaron Ward's gloves but they were 13". I was ready to get them but then i ended up getting 2 pairs of Malkins gloves instead. They have new stuff coming in all the time. You could even email them also.

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I was looking for the same thing a month ago and was placing an order with Hockey Monkey and as soon as I submitted the order they were listed out of stock and not allowed to finish the order. I tried everywhere I could think of internet and local, half the places didn't even believe me they come in all black. I settled for black/white and found the white is like a latex paint, not actual fabric and it somewhat peels off, so im considering taking the time to remove it all when I have a lot of spare time for such a tedious task.

Or I'll just wait till next spring for X:60s to show up, hopefully solid black.

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Hey t1tan, under the white stripes is nothing so they have to be painted over, right? Some companies need to stop with the designs and stick with solid colors.

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from what i been hearing the xxxx pro absolutely sucks in the protection department compared to the normal xxxx

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Longer arms so I go with 15" for the longer length. The four rolls are too loose (in 14" or 15") for my hands but I'd still go with a 15" if I bought them. I don't need 15" but I prefer it.

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Hey t1tan, under the white stripes is nothing so they have to be painted over, right? Some companies need to stop with the designs and stick with solid colors.

Each section of the glove is a single piece of fabric, the stripes are just printed/painted on. Removing the white stripes on the black/whites would leave just leave the black fabric underneath, no need to cover it with anything, or do anything to it as its the same fabric underneath as the rest of the glove. Hopefully that makes sense...

I'll try to get a picture or two up later on what I'm talking about where I started to peel some off on one of the fingers.

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Ah alright, I thought there be nothing under the white. I have a Black/White pair sent to me on a accident if you can find anyway to get it off easily let me know..

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