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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ughhh whiplash remedies?

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I just wrapped up 8 sessions of physical therapy for whiplash. Much better. If you can get it covered, it's pretty nice, basically a neck rub massage and lots of stretches and exercises. Headaches are just about gone, stiffness is much better, range of motion much better.

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Osteopathic Manipulation and/or a muscle relaxant may be helpful... both require a doc's visit, though. Hope you feel better!

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Long story short, I got slew footed in January and had been having terrible headaches every day for weeks. Concussion was ruled out, and I went to a half dozen different doctors/specialists before a neurologist saw me and said I had a combination of anxiety and whiplash.

The PT lady told me that when you have an injury like whiplash, your muscle fibers heal in a crossed or tangled pattern, rather than layered properly. I really have no clue what that means, but anyways...what it effectively does is shorten those muscles, which puts a lot of tension on other muscles, limits range of motion, and causes pain and other injury. And often what they see is that one tense muscle will have a domino effect on several others (i.e. my neck at the base of my head on the left side, my left shoulder, my lower right back, etc).

What we did was massage therapy to loosen the muscles and stretches to lengthen them and bring them back to their proper shape, then exercises to strengthen them. I also had to examine my posture and habits. It was pretty comprehensive.

But you really should rule out other injuries or damage, so a doctor wouldn't be a bad idea. I can give you some of the stretches, but even one PT session after concussion and other serious injury are ruled out would be a big help. Shouldn't be more than $100 or so without insurance.

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