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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Broken wrist, rehab time......

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As the title suggests,has anyone had experience of a broken wrist and how long before you got back to playing ? I have a complete ,though hairline .non displaced fracture of the radius bone.Any info would be appreciated.

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As the title suggests,has anyone had experience of a broken wrist and how long before you got back to playing ? I have a complete ,though hairline .non displaced fracture of the radius bone.Any info would be appreciated.

I had the same exact break, happened April.03/09 while playing hockey, was in a cast for 7 weeks, I play my first game tomorrow! Can't wait.

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I'm just looking to hear about other peoples 'real world related to hockey ' experiences with this injury, what I MIGHT expect during and after recovery etc., ( and I do know every body is different ) thats all, no biggie .Of course I've been to a doctor :) ,It was in a cast for a month and now its in a brace for another month before another xray.

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I've fractured my left wrist twice playing hockey, and I was back playing within 5 weeks. Having said that my wrist has never been the same since, and is now quite weak and pops and cracks all the time. Give it ample time to recover, it will be better for you in the long run.

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Eons ago I broke mine and was in a cast for 6 weeks. Got it cut off and lied to my folks and told them the doc said it was fine to go right out and play. A couple days after cast was off I played the last game of the season... got hit and thought I broke it again. Off to the doc... who was miffed and said "you didn't try to play did you?". Folks were even more unhappy than he was, lol. Didn't break it but did injure other soft parts. It takes time to get your muscles/etc to have sufficient range of motion after being in a cast. My advice: listen to your doctor and also take notice of how you feel even if the doc says it's okay. In the long run sometimes waiting another week or so may be better off.

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