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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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50 Movies in a Painting

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oh ye awesome? wish i had photographic memory...i can only remember every detail of a picture the size of a small paragraph but thats it, i heard you can learn to have a photographic memory

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I'll admit I only got 40 or so on my own, I had to use google for help on the last bunch. I'm a little young to be able to get all these.

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Answers are in WHITE. If you want to see them, highlight with your cursor.

1. 300

2. Anchorman

3. Attack of the Clones

4. Bolt

5. Brick

6. Chocolat

7. Children of Men

8. Cloverfield

9. Crash

10. The Crow

11. The Dark Knight

12. The Diving Bell and the Butterfly

13. Eagle Eye

14. The English Patient

15. Enter The Dragon

16. The Fisher King

17. Flags of our Fathers

18. Gladiator

19. The Green Mile

20. Happy Feet

21. Hook

22. Ice Age

23. Interview With The Vampire

24. Iron Man

25. Iris

26. The Last King of Scotland

27. Liar Liar

28. Little Children

29. The Matrix

30. Milk

31. Million Dollar Baby

32. Monsters Inc.

33. Moulin Rouge

34. No Country For Old Men

35. Pi

36. The Pianist

37. Pirates of the Caribbean

38. Pulp Fiction

39. Saw

40. Scream

41. Signs

42. Snakes on a Plane

43. Stardust

44. Swimming With Sharks

45. The Thin Red Line

46. Traffic

47. Trainspotting

48. The Two Towers

49. Walk The Line

50. Zodiac

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