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Laura Stamm powerskating clinic

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Hi all.... does anyone have experience with the Laura Stamm powerskating camp? They are holding a 3 day (2 hr/day) camp in town in 2 weeks (Jul 3-5), and my 10yr old daughter wants to do a powerskating clinic. It's $179CDN. Is this a good clinic? She is also registered in a week long (40 mins off-ice and 2 hrs on ice/day) camp with the Windsor Spitfires the first week of Aug.

I was just looking for feedback/opionions about the Laura Stamm clinic.

Also posted this at HF too...

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Superb camp, superb instructors.

I think I recall her book on power skating being helpful too (I'm 98% sure it was her). It was a long time ago.

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I did her clinic about 5 years ago, when they were being run by a guy named Steve Mclennan at Skate4Power in either Burlington or Oakville. As far as I know, they have since moved to the East Coast, but if they're the ones running this camp, it will be awesome. I couldn't believe how fast I was going by the end of the third day.

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Stamm clinics are very good. I'd recommend a fresh sharpening before hitting the camp. Your daughter will need good edges because she is going to be using them quite a bit.

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I'm liking what I'm hearing! She is a really good skater at houseleague level, and she is back playing with the boys this year (after one disasterous year in girls hockey (politcally/emotionally, not-hockey wise) that's a whole different topic in itself). I think it's better competition.... She is also super motivated to improve this year and beyond - her best friend made travel, she wants that too, plus she says she wants to play for the Windsor Spitfires when she is old enough (won't happen - no girls in the OHL), and be the next Taylor Hall, or play college/university hockey/Team Canada.

I think this will really boost her confidence and her skills too. My wife and I are letting her play by her own will, and she wants to do the clinic and the camp later on in August.

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Best $150 I have ever spend to improve my game. I recommend reading the book before hand to get a jump start mentally on technique and theory.

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I'm liking what I'm hearing! She is a really good skater at houseleague level, and she is back playing with the boys this year (after one disasterous year in girls hockey (politcally/emotionally, not-hockey wise) that's a whole different topic in itself). I think it's better competition.... She is also super motivated to improve this year and beyond - her best friend made travel, she wants that too, plus she says she wants to play for the Windsor Spitfires when she is old enough (won't happen - no girls in the OHL), and be the next Taylor Hall, or play college/university hockey/Team Canada.

I think this will really boost her confidence and her skills too. My wife and I are letting her play by her own will, and she wants to do the clinic and the camp later on in August.

Don't be too sure about that... a friend of mine who played for Harvard's women's team used to train with her local OHL team when she was a teenager. They may not let her join the league, but she can certainly be a part of that community if she wants to - and go on to bigger and better things than the O.

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Best $150 I have ever spend to improve my game. I recommend reading the book before hand to get a jump start mentally on technique and theory.

I really want to do the class near Milwaukee. Unfortunately it's the same weekend our summer league playoffs will be happening. Doubt I could skate for several hours then go play a game a couple later.

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Best $150 I have ever spend to improve my game. I recommend reading the book before hand to get a jump start mentally on technique and theory.

I really want to do the class near Milwaukee. Unfortunately it's the same weekend our summer league playoffs will be happening. Doubt I could skate for several hours then go play a game a couple later.

The classes are not rigorous on your body, but are on your technique. I don't know what your level of skating is now, but for me it would only improve the way I skated later for the game.

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The classes are not rigorous on your body, but are on your technique. I don't know what your level of skating is now, but for me it would only improve the way I skated later for the game.

I don't know about anyone else, but after I finished the 3rd session, a bunch of us went out for drinks, and more than a few of us could barely walk across the street.

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