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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anybody used SportClenz before? http://www.sportclenz.com/

seems to be a local BC product that CyclonTaylor endorses & sells.

does it work? is it better then antibacterial febreze?

the description says it's good for skates, but nowhere it mentiones it's safe for leather?

I don't want to damage Clarino in my One95 + palms in my gloves, but something needs to be done otherwise despite airing both the funk has already build up to very noticable levels...


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Clarino ain't leather son.

yes it is (I never said it's natural leather though): One95: Hydrophobic Clarino synthetic leather

a useful response would actually be appreciated...

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You can treat clarino like any microfiber. A spin in the washing machine on the gentle cycle with Woolite and a scoop of OxiClean worked for me with a pair of XXX pros. My eastons however, need a little TLC with some saddle soap and SnoSeal.

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Clarino ain't leather son.

yes it is (I never said it's natural leather though): One95: Hydrophobic Clarino synthetic leather

a useful response would actually be appreciated...

Leather is animal skin that's been tanned. Clarino is made to simulate leather. It is not actually leather. Synthetic leather != leather.

On the subject of your question, I would say it's probably safe. It's made for doing stuff like that. However, I would save some money and just use a mixture of rubbing alcohol and water. Mist it on equipment and you'll get the same effect.

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