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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Where to buy Easton custom pro gloves?

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Ok ive checked ebay and also contacted eastwesthockey and neither have what im looking for. Im basically looking for a pair of black 14 or 14.5" with a white logo preferably, a similar look to the stock black easton e-pros. Can anyone help me out im pulling my hair out trying to find a pair of these as i dont want to get the stock E-pros as i hear they're garbage?


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He isnt talking about the Epros. The custom pro stock gloves come up on ebay periodically. That is where I got mine. The other way is to have you or a retailer do a custom order (but there is a minimum quantity for that.)

I also think there have been pairs floating here in the sell section.

EDIT: There are some on Ebay with some orange on the logo (Ducks) that you might be able to alck out, and some Leather ones with yellow accents on Cyclone Taylor.

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We have a pair of the epro customs (not the Chinese ones), black with white, 14". We booked them in several different colors and there was a minimum quantity, I believe 2 per color.. Any Easton Dealer should be able to get you some. Sorry, we don't sell online.

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