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Tackla pants questions...

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Got my used Kris Draper Tackla's and they're in fairly good shape. There are skate cuts on the shell liner where the thigh padding is at on each side. And a couple seams could use repair. The Tackla tag says "Tackla original" and the shell has a size 50 tag on it. With the (black colored inside/red outside) upper pads section are these technically a 2pc pant setup? I don't think they'd be termed a girdle/shell would they? The reason I ask is that I may see about getting a new lower pants half in addition to doing the repairs to the existing one. What Tackla pant would I need to get... is their "lower" set up with the thigh/etc pads sewn in like the ones I have. Is the "shell" just the nylon shell but no pads at all? I'm just a tad confused in the terminology and need to know what to look for/order if I get another lower/outer section. Thanks for any help!

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The lower usually has thigh pads in it. You can find "padded shells" on ebay from time to time.

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That's what I'd need. Are there different models of the padded Tackla shells or no... will any one fit the uppers? I thought I'd seen somewhere that sold the ones in team colors but without the logos? Thanks for the help Chadd.

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I belive prohockeyequipment.com sells the 5000x, which is what i have been told the pro pants are based on. Dont quote me on this but its worth looking into.

Ive been flirting with getting some of those pants for a while now cause my ccm's are thrashed. let me know how you like em.

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I just called Montreal Hockey and they said that they only carry the Tackla 5000X pants and not any of the true Tackla NHL pants. The gentleman I spoke with there gave me a phone number for Vaughn to call and I'll try there in the next day or so to get information as to whether or not they'll sell lowers. He also told me that Montreal doesn't sell the upper/lowers by themselves. I may just have repairs done to the ones I have. They just need a little seam work, and also I'd probably have new black nylon material sewn in to hold the lower padding in place. That's where the skate blade cuts are on each thigh area. I was a little disappointed by the less-than-honest description the seller had. He only mentioned the one seam issue and said there were no other tears/etc.

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Talked to Andrea at Vaughn Canada and she was very informative. The pants I have are 5000 Pro's. She referred me to a dealer in Canada that I'll contact for information. Also Toronto Hockey Repair quoted me a very attractive price to replace the pad pockets and repair any seams needing attention.

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Talked to Andrea at Vaughn Canada and she was very informative. The pants I have are 5000 Pro's. She referred me to a dealer in Canada that I'll contact for information. Also Toronto Hockey Repair quoted me a very attractive price to replace the pad pockets and repair any seams needing attention.

Of course vaughn directed you to a dealer in Canada, they only make money off of the Tackla stuff sold in Canada.

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The 5000X will do what you want it to do. I just don't know where you can buy the top separate from the bottoms. The tops of the 2 piece pants are definitely harder to find than the lowers, and certainly finding the right size is an even greater challenge. You can do what I did and buy the 5000X in a color you like and just substitute the bottoms for the ones you have. Either that or wait around until the right size shows up on eBay. You may be waiting a while though.

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The guys at Toronto said the repairs are no big deal, and very inexpensive actually. I figure it'll be less than $70 total for shipping each way and repairs to have a decent set of game-used Draper pants. And I'll have the brand-new TBL lowers as well that button right on. You won't see the red uppers under the jersey anyhow so if I put the TBL lowers on and have a red/black pants combo I don't care. Usually it's either a white or black jersey for the drop-in. It's just nearly impossible as you said to find the lowers around anywhere, and they won't sell them new. One repaired lower and one new along with the excellent upper should last me a long time.

Edit... there's still a pair of size 48 Tackla Pro lowers on eBay if anyone is looking. Now that I grabbed the 50's I'll post this, lol:


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The lowers button onto the top. There's a belt on the lowers and the top usually has a belt but also has eyelets so you can use a lace. They seemed to fit me very well; snug at the waist and a nice mobile fit to the legs similar to my Grafs that I'm selling. I also found a Bauer lower padded shell (has lower pads front and rear like the Tackla) that will probably attach easily too. It's a game-worn pair used by Maltby in great shape. So I'll have a pair of Red Wings game lower and a new TBL also. I'm set!

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too old, If the 5000x's are similar to what you have im definitly ordering some tomorrow.

And can you keep em buttoned togther all the time or do you have to put them on sepratley like te easton motion pants?

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They stay buttoned together unless you want to take them apart to clean. The 5000X pants are very similar to the Pro 5000 pants it seems. We'll soon see if the Bauer lowers button right up or if I'll need to relocate any button holes in them. If so I can have that done locally... good old mom can knock that out for me.

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No problem. I'll post some pics when I get all 3 lowers ready to go. Let us know how yours are too. Where are you getting them at? I've only seen a handful online that carry them. If they're not in stock I was told it is an 8-week wait to order them, ouch.

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Not to highjack a thread, but are the uppers and lowers interchangeable between brands? For example i have a pair of Mission 110's would the uppers work in the Tackla's Too Old posted?

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