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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Identy Stolen

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a couple of weeks ago i get a letter in the mail from att asking if i sign up for new service at some address in det. well my wife calls and they get it all straightened out. then with in a week i get a call form citi bank theft dept asking if i signed up for a rewards mastercard through att. i told them i did not. they were great and closed the account and denied the card on the spot. ok i thought this was all over and i get another call from att celluar, someone tried to get a cell in my name. well we denied and closed that one as well.

the folks at citi bank theft solutions were great. i had to fill out an statement saying i did not apply for any of this. they also were ahead and called a credit breau and got a fraud alert on my name for 7 years. i also on citi banks recommendation filled out a police report of the identy theft. so now if some one does use my name and gets a credit card i am not liable for anything charged on it. now if i need to get credit i won't be walking out of the store with a new card. the credit breau they use needs to contact me directly and i have to confrim it was me and that i want the card.

the moral of the story is identy theft can happen to you and be careful when using a credit card online.

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Any idea where you used your card that could've caused this situation?

it was not the card. they some how were able to get my ss#. that is what caused the problem.

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Did you or your citi contact all three major credit reporters? If not you may want to.

* Equifax:1-800-685-1111; equifax.com

* Experian: 1-888-397-3742; experian.com

* TransUnion: 1-800-916-8800; transunion.com

FTC Identity theft steps Just in case there is something you missed.

This reminds me I should get a free report, it has been a while.

Good luck.

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Good luck getting things sorted out. I have been worried about this myself. I have started taking steps to try an avoid this. Shredding documents etc.

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This happened to my girlfriend. She had her purse stolen about 5 years ago, and is still dealing with constant cards,loans etc trying to be opened. Her credit score is absolutely horrible despite all the leg work shes done to clear her name. I feel bad anytime I hear someone say they had their identity stolen, knowing what she goes through.

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