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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Aussie Joe

Can anyone tell me where this jersey is from

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I bought this jersey from a shop in AUS a few years ago. It's logos etc lead me to believe its from North America somewhere but I'm not sure. Can anyone by chance tell me where this jersey is from?

It has the number 25 on its back and no name plate.



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VKM is Venus Knitting Mills based in NJ i think http://www.vkmsports.com/product_result.cfm?cid=5

Health Quest is a gym in New Jersey http://www.healthquest-fitness.com/

And following the tees 2 please web address, I bet you can't guess where it's from.... ok so you did. New Jersey.

So since all of the above are from New Jersey, i'm guessing it's a New Jersey beer league. Just need to find out if anyone knows of any Blackhawk beer league teams, no luck finding any yet.....

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Bridgewater Sports Arena? My cousin played hs hockey there so he may remember seeing it. This probably isn't possible to know, but any idea how old the jersey is?

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