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What to do with NEW helmet?

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I recently had one of the pads inside my Bauer 4000 helmet fall out, which I promptly taped back in. Not the first time this has happened... it's happened ever since I owned helmets. Well, I decided to purchase a CCM V10 helmet after much debate (I was leaning towards the Bauer 9500), mainly because I've heard good things about the new padding, and honestly I'm not that happy with it. It's a nice helmet, and very comfortable... It's just, BULKY. It sure doesn't look/feel like I thought it would. I'm considering selling it right away on Ebay, trying to recoup the money I spent on it. Should I just sell it off to someone else, or am I just freaking out since I have something different and new? I don't have a lot of money lying around, and I'm especially on edge since my ONE95 just got hacked in half at a men's league game.

It's frustrating... It's so hard to know if you like something without trying it, then you're stuck trying to sell used gear...

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If I were you I would suck it up and just wear it, cause I also don't have the money to buy new stuff. But you could try to sell it and I suggest either the Bauer 4500 or the Easton S7. On the cheap side both both are good enough. You see the 4500 on a lot of NHL players.

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Yeah man, thats really rough, Im the same way with sticks. I just bought a reebok 808 and hated it and I paid too much for it, now im sorta stuck with it. But as far as your helmet goes, I would just suck it up, give it time and you probably won't even notice its there.

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Put it on the trade forum in here. Might get something you like better and only have to shell out a few bucks for shipping.

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I would even look at the 5100 Helmet, its about $10 more then the 4500 but alot comfier and has the tool free adjustment and better ventilation. Plus it won't get the same type of mold growing on the inside and its not a very bulky fitting helmet.

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It fits but you don't like the way it looks? Why would you buy it if you didn't like the way it looks? Personally I hate the feel of EPP helmets, fortunately VN is making a big comeback lately.

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I didn't mind the Intake since it had the softer padding positioned around the lid to make it more comforable but I found the Bauer 5000 felt like putting a rock on my head.

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