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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Renfrew Tape Improvement

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I had to pick up a softball glove from my local chain sports store, and picked up a multi-pack of hockey tape while I was at it ($7 for 2 rolls of clear, 1 roll each of white and black Renfrew). I haven't used Renfrew in years as it had a multitude of problems, but this stuff looked different and had black and gold writing on the inside instead of the blue and white.

Turns out this stuff is actually really good. It comes off the roll very clean, it's thick and has plenty of texture, seems to have a good adhesive, and was very durable. Didn't rip up at all on the ice and held up very well on a shooting board for an hour. It's a bit grittier in texture than the Comp-O-Stik tape I've been using and tears laterally easier (I can never get Comp-O to tear by hand).

Worth checking out if you get a chance, especially as cheap as Renfrew is ($1.75 a roll around here).

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The Renfrew Gold Premium Hockey Tape label is good. I´ve been using it the last 3 years and it is the best i´ve tried by miles :D

Together with sexwax its a winning combo.

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The Renfrew Gold Premium Hockey Tape label is good. I´ve been using it the last 3 years and it is the best i´ve tried by miles :D

in Canada at least that's all you see now; BTW it's called CMP104 Gold and comes all the usual colors & patterns

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My LHS switched from blue to gold label too.

I still don't like renfrew but I would certainly use the gold label version, it's MUCH better than blue label.

Actually, the Sports Authority blue label tape(4-pack) I had bought once was fantastic, although it was thin at spots... for whatever reason it was better than the stuff my LHS had at the time.

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Is that the black label with gold writing?

This was the stuff in the S.A. 4-pack...all their non-friction Renfrew was this label. Very, very different than the old blue and white stuff (which was thin and very smooth, not a lot of adhesive, fraying at the ends, etc). Only downside I suppose is that this stuff wouldn't be good for butt ends as it would eat up palms, which was the only nice thing about the old Renfrew, but the Comp-O stuff is still smooth enough. I use Tacki-Mac anyway.

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Its a nicer white colour aswell, compared to the blue white label which was a very off white. Something that always bothered me about renfrew in the past.

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