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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick help question

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I had a quick questiion regarding lie and which would probably be best for me. When I stick handle and or take wrist shots I usually have the puck a little farther from my body(similar to 'croyched' on the NBH ID system,) but when I take slap shots I like to have the puck practically in the feet (similar to a lie 7 on the NBH ID system.) I was wondering given the small amount of information I have given, would I be better of with a strick that has a lie of 6 and deal with the slapshot issue later? I probably take more writ shots simply because when I play pick up nobody drops the puck to the blue line, but I'm quite sure when I play intermurals I will get the chance to take more slapshots. I thank anyone who helps in advance.

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I have the same problem as you and I just settle for the lie of 6. I find that my slapshots take a little longer to setup, but I get some extra power on my shots because i'm forced to lean in a little more to take the shot closer to my feet.

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For carrying the puck, 5 lie suits me better, but for shooting it's 6 lie. I go for 6 lie blades with a bit of a rocker on them (like Lindros style) and make do.

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i'm a more upright skater so i prefer a true 6 or a lie 7 with some rocker, i shoot/dangle close to my feet too

just buy a lie 6 blade and try it out IMO

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I think a shaft/blade combo would be best. Thanks for the suggestion.

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IMO it's better to have too high of a lie than too low of a lie, if you have a low lie your shots will miss the net because the toe will hit the ice first, forcing the blade open

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First of all, I would suggest working on your shot or stickhandling to minimize the need for a significantly different lie. Part of becoming a complete player is learning how to work with your equipment in the optimal way.

Second, find something with more of a rocker. It will give you more leeway with one lie.

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First of all, I would suggest working on your shot or stickhandling to minimize the need for a significantly different lie. Part of becoming a complete player is learning how to work with your equipment in the optimal way.

Second, find something with more of a rocker. It will give you more leeway with one lie.

EXACTLY! Also, you HAVE to get extension on the wrist/snap shot or you are robbing yourself of much needed power. And a slap shot should be around 24-30" out away from your feet, depending on your height, stick and arm length. Chadd, your two cents?

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Here's a good example of starting with the puck outside your body and pulling it back to the middle on the snap and wrister,

(sorry for double post).

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