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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey Related room/mancave ideas

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Surprised this hasn't been mentioned yet, but the room will not be compete without posters of the Ice Girls from every respective team, especially your favourite team. If you are unable to collect each of the posters, then the actual girls will do. ;)

Er... anyone know where to get these posters? I dont really care which team... :)

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Surprised this hasn't been mentioned yet, but the room will not be compete without posters of the Ice Girls from every respective team, especially your favourite team. If you are unable to collect each of the posters, then the actual girls will do. ;)

Er... anyone know where to get these posters? I dont really care which team... :)

maybe this would help =)

just did a quick google search under images of "ice girls" and got some pretty good results. all you need now is a photo printer. this is of course if you cant find posters anywhere.

its all about improv my friends. :D

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