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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mogilny in the "A"?

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No. They have to pay his full salary until he is cleared to play. At that point he will be locked out like the other players and is free to play anywhere he would like.

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So Hasek can come down becasue his injury pre-dates the Lockout date?

He signed a two-way contract because of the number of games he missed last year. Mogilny didn't sign a new contract and will be locked out as soon as he is declared physically able to play.

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So Hasek can come down becasue his injury pre-dates the Lockout date?

He signed a two-way contract because of the number of games he missed last year. Mogilny didn't sign a new contract and will be locked out as soon as he is declared physically able to play.

I don't believe that is the case.

Besides, Hasek's time in Bingo is over.


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It was never Hasek's idea to go to the AHL. I think it's fair to say from his past that he wouldn't volunteer to play in the AHL.

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